Chapter 2 Harry You Were Dead

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When Ginny woke up she was tangled in Harry's arms. She turned to find Harry's eyes looking right at her with tears in her eyes. Harry noticing the tears suddenly became concerned. "What's wrong Ginny?" He asked impatiently and he wiped the tears from her face. She looked down and it took her a moment to register what exactly was wrong. When she looked back up at Harry's face she remembered and burst into tears. With this Harry sat them up and just cradled her until she was able to speak. "Harry you were dead. I thought you were dead. We all did." She started to sob uncontrollably again. Harry sighed finally understanding what had made her upset. He hadn't been able to process what all had happened to him the past day. He held her closer and rubbed her back telling her that everything willl be okay and that he was alive and he was planning on living forever with her. After about twenty minutes or so she stopped crying and looked up to Harry's face and wanted him to say something to her.

Harry then explained all of yesterday's events. He didn't hold anything back knowing that she deserved to know absolutely everything. Ginny started to cry again when Harry started to talk about walking into the Forbiddin Forest. Harry held her but continued the story. "GInny I had no idea what was going to happen to me. When I was apart of Snape's memories it never said anything about me surviving. I was ready to die for the people that I love and that includes you. As I walked to my death all I could think about was you. I wished that I was able to have seen you before but I knew that I had to go to the forest. In a way I did die but I am okay now and I will never leave you again. I promise you that. I am yours. Always." Harry let the last not drag and Ginny did not understand the meaning of it but she decided not to ask. She looked up at him once more with tears on her face and said, "I love you Harry. Always." Witht that always Harry smiled and they held each other for quite some time.

They started to sit up and that was when GInny realized that her family must be very worried about her because it was nearly eleven the morning after the battle. Harry and Ginny stood and decided to see if Ron and Hermione were still upstairs. They walked there hand in hand and when they opened the door to the dormitories they found Ron and Hermione laying in each other's arms awake and talking. They paused when they saw Ginny and Harry. "Hey we should go down to the Great Hall. Ron, you know mum and dad must be worried about us." With that Ron and Hermione stood and the four of them walked to the Great Hall. Ginny holding one of Harry's hands while the other was wrapped around her shoulders and Hermione had her arm in Ron's and was walking with her head on his shoulder.

When they entered the Great Hall they found many people working on trying to clean as much as they could of the Hall. They looked for the Weasleys but they could not find them anywhere. Harry spotted Professor Mcgonagall and lead the others to her. "Excuse me Professor," Harry said. Professor Mcgonagall turned with a start and aftering looking at the four of them she gave Harry a hug and just smiled. "Professor would you happen to know where the Weasleys are? They are probably looking for us." Harry asked. "Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley went looking for the four of you hours ago. They found you and Ginny asleep in the Common Room and Ron and Hermione in the dormitories upstairs. They saw that you all were asleep and that you looked so comfortable so they decided not to wake you. They asked me to tell you to go to the Burrow when you all were awake." With that the four of them all looked slightly unconfortable because of the way the Weasley's had found them but they said thank you and walked outside to the entrance steps.

Harry took Ginny's hand and Ron took Hermione's and the four apparated at almost the same time. They landed at the Burrow a few seconds later. They were in the Garden and the four of them were trying to prepare themselves for what they were to encounter inside. Harry was particularly unconfortable with the situation. He didn't want to deal with the questions and the sadness of it all. Ron and Hermione were already walking towards the house when Ginny turned to Harry paused and then said, "Harry, I know you do not want to go in and confront all of this but you have to. These people are your family and they love you more than anything. I will be right by your side the whole time and I will not take my hand away from yours. " With that Harry turned smiled slightly and kissed her very passionately. After a few moments Ginny said, "Harry I need you there with me. I can't do this alone." Harry registered this then said, "We will do this together then. We will be there for each other and I know we can survive this as long as we stay together. Always." With another kiss they grabbed each other's hands took a deep breathe and started to walk toewards the Burrow.

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