Part 1:: Prologue

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Geno's POV::

-Deep breath... this won't be so bad... with Goth here... it's not like his presence is a sin to some people...- I shudder at the thought of Classic's reaction to him. -Nope this was definitely a terrible idea... maybe I can just lock him up in the other room during the party... or maybe - I feel a tug at my sleeve, and look down seeing the single white pinprick of my son.

"Mom, it'd be great if you listened for a second, moooom," He tugs at my sleeve more, desperately trying to gain my attention.

"oh.. yeah? Goth, what?" I stumble back into reality and answer my son's whines.

"It's almost time, hurry up and get ready," He spoke insistently.

"Right.... thanks kiddo... " I unenthusiastically replied.

"Go and change into your sweater, hurry!" He pushed me towards the other room, impatiently.

"Geez, you're excited, aren't ya," I giggle slightly at my son's eagerness for this.

"Well yeah, I feel like I've been locked away my whole life, so today is finally different!"

"Oh please, your life was fine," Goth gave me a look that clearly spoke otherwise. I simply turned around and go into the other room quickly and change to avoid my son's counter argument. I come out wearing my green 'Chilled to the bone' Christmas sweater, with it's immediately striking blood stain where my wound is. I shrug it off, seemingly lacking my will to give a flying fuck. Goth walked up to me and gave me a thumbs up in approval of my readiness. It takes a moment to register what Goth's Christmas sweater meant, and then the god-awful joke clicked in my head. 'Geno's boy child'. -Fucking hilarious...- Irritation grows on my face.

"Goth, what are you wearing?" I said sternly, not trying to scare him too much.

"Dad said I should wear it. Liiiiike it??" It's as if he's mocking me, and if course Death would do that.

"Where is he...? Also go change, I won't have you wearing that at all," I smack Goth upside the head, and he stumbles towards the door.

"So should I change first and then tell you?"

"Just tell me where he is!?"

"So I don't have to change anymore?" Goth kept stalling, and I was so close to snapping.

"Goth I swear to Asgore, you are not doing this right now. Tell me where your father is then go change and burn that damn thing after,"


"Goth!" He jumped a bit at that outburst.

"Okay! geez... Dad is still at work, he said he should be back soon," I sighed in frustration. "Can I go and change now?"

"Yes go, and I'm serious about burning that thing,"

"Aww come on it was kind a clever, right?" He nudged the air in hopes of a positive response, but alas.

"GO!" I yelled at him one last time to change, and he followed the order swiftly. He quickly emerged wearing a sweater with the text 'Bless you'.

"Better," I briefly noted to him, and he just looked at me disappointingly.

"hmph, that was still a good one, and you couldn't take a joke..." Goth huffed.

"A terrible joke, really. Just *sigh...  go make sure everything is in place, people should be arriving soon," I pat Goth on the head as he runs past me towards the tables that have been set up.

CPAU (If Goth was there to annoy Geno) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now