Part 7:: Bitter Unity

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A/N: I know it's been a REALLY long while since I last updated this, but after publishing my last one shot, I gandered over to this book and realized I had like half of the this part already written out so I slapped something together.

Have at yee, yee heathens...

(Still) Geno's POV::

"Is he that bad?"

"Well no. He's my brother so I still love him, but he's insufferable," I turn back around and once again establish a path towards the door. I see Error standing there, disinterested as he usually is about most things, with Ink leaning against his right side, linking arms with him. -Since when were those two..-

"Oh hey Geno," Error spoke, finally catching sight of me.

"Error," I said with minut spite.

"Nice to see you've settled down and stopped being a depressing loner,"

"Nice to see you not being an antisocial sociopath constantly trying to rip Ink's head off," I raised a figurative eyebrow in success of my counterpoint. Ink held in a snicker as I said that, but then cleared his throat.

"Actually.." He grabs Error's left hand with his own, and showing a twin set of gold bands on their fingers. "we recently celebrated 10 years,"

"Huh, look who settled now," I smirked at Error, and he just scoffed at me. My attention was shifted when I saw a young child gripping the hem of Ink's shirt, trying to hide behind him.

"Gradient, what are you doing?" Ink pushed him in front, making him wholly visible to me. He was dark boned skeleton, only slightly taller than Goth. He had a uniform blue streak down his face and yellow heterochromatic eyes, wearing oversized round glasses much like Error. He actually showed a lot of resemblance to Error, especially having glitched 'errors' hovering around him. For a short glimpse, he made eye contact with me then looked down on the ground, grabbing Ink's hand, huddling closer to him. "Come on no need to be shy, say hi to you uncle,"

"...hi..." He muttered then hid his face again. I chuckled, reminiscing on how Goth tried to talk to anyone he didn't know.

"Heh, he's shy, unlike the other one... wait, Error where's Paperjam?" Ink's voice stirred in concern.

"He WAS right next to you," Ink face palmed.

"Can't take my eye off him for a second..." Ink placed his pointer finger and thumb over the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated. "Paperjam!"

"I'm right here mom," Another child's voice was heard nearby, joined by the child itself. He stood in front of Ink, seemingly unfazed at his mother's fury.

"Paperjam, what did I tell you about running off?"

"Not to do it," He monotonously replied.

"Good, and you better remember that," Ink said sternly, holding Paperjam by the shoulders in front of him to hold him still.

"I take it this is the 'other one'?" Ink snickered before replying.

"Yup, unfortunately," Ink looked down at the child, Paperjam, as he puffed up angrily. I felt Death wrap his arm around my waist.

"Maybe we could try for 'another one' too," He cooed into my 'ear'.

"I think one is enough, also I don't think I could bare another nine months without losing my sanity," I shove Death's face away from mine, but he keeps his arms around my shoulder, which I didn't mind. "Speaking of losing my sanity, where is Goth anyway?" I look up at Death, and he just shrugs at me.

"Oh so you do have a kid," Error added in, in an obvious statement.

"Yes we do, and by the way, how is it that you had kids and you never told me?"

"We never talk, and I'd ask you the same thing,"

"...touche," In the corner of my eye I saw Goth, and called out to him. "Goth, come here for a second," He turned, facing me and nodded.

"Hmm?" Goth stood in front of me, awaiting my reasoning for calling him over.

"I wanted to introduce you. You haven't had the chance to meet your uncles: Ink and Error," Ink gave a small wave of greeting.

"Oh, uh hi.." He said meekly. He scoots next to me, holding my hand. I sigh slightly having seen this display of behavior many times before.

"He's pretty shy around strangers, but he's loud any other time,"

"Hey!" I look down at him, raising a figurative eyebrow.

"Try and prove me wrong," Goth puffed up angrily and then hid his face in the side of my hoodie.

"Quite the dynamic you have with your son," Ink noted, giving a small chuckle from our exchange.

"I try," I look down at him again and see him sticking his tongue out at me, thus making me lightly flick him on the forehead.

"Ow, mom!" He whined quietly, rubbing the ailed spot on his head.

"Oh, hush it wasn't that hard," Goth gave another soft whine, mostly just for the sake of being annoying.

"Abusing our son again, I see," Reaper nonchalantly spoke up next to me.

"It's not abuse if it's disciplinary,"

"I'm not sure that's how parenting works, Geno," My brother felt the need to point out, garnering another bitter reaction from me.

"I just choose to leave the discipline to Geno, which might not be the best of choices,"

"It's not..." Goth commented.

"Who's side are you on?" I quickly looked down, turning to my son.

"The side that causes me less pain..." He looked up me, still holding close to my side.

"I'm being antagonized by my whole family..." I sighed defeatedly.

"Aww babe don't be like that, we still love you," Reaper leaned in and kissed my cheek, and Goth hugged me tightly.

"Yea, we love you, sorry mom..." I smiled and pat Goth on the head, satisfied at hearing that.

"Anyway, family quarrels aside," I looked back at Error and Ink, "Feel free to come in and help yourselves,"

"Sorry but no. We only came in to say hi. Ink and I have work to do, but Ink said he might stop by later. Who knows?" He shrugged as Ink was already heading towards the door with a tight hold on Paperjam's hoodie to keep him from wandering and Gradient obediently following. "So, we'll be on our way," He waved on his way out, and I did the same.

"It was nice to see you Geno," Ink called out enthusiastically.

"You too, see ya," The four finally disappear, leaving us standing at the door.

"He didn't seem so bad,"

"It's the biased judgment of a sibling: You don't know him like I do,"

"Fair enough," Reaper began walking back into the small crowd of people, before turning to me. "Care to join the celebration?" Reaper held his arm out for me, and I linked my own with his.

"I suppose," I smiled weakly, seeing Goth walk up ahead of us.

A/N: I can't hugely guarantee another update soon, but I do have another stupid idea for another part so stay tuned.

I also tried tagging someone in the last part but that shit didn't work.  mariahdanjou was the person who suggested adding in PJ and Gradient, so thanks for that. I know that was forever ago, but here it is.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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