Yard time || chapter 6

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The sudden, intense feeling of insecurity and shame washed over me drowning every ounce of dignity I had left with it.

I, with everyone else in this cell was now lost for words.

My back had begun to ache and my face stained red raw with tears, could I become any more vulnerable?

"Em?" That dreamy voice spoke up again, it was ever so comforting.

He always knew exactly how to calm down a situation.

My head slowly rose to meet with him once again but this time only inches apart, he had crouched down to my level considering he was usually towering over me.

His mesmerising eyes were laced with concern and deep, deep worry for..

Me, why me?

"I'm fine honestly.. i, I'll be ok" I tried to speak with a believable smile to reassure him, but it didn't.

"Ok, it's yard time now, you can stay with me and sucre." His words followed perfectly and he spoke as if he wanted me to think he believed me, but I saw right through it.

Maybe we weren't so dissimilar as we thought..

My legs buckled as I attempted to stand causing my week body to limp into a pathetic ball in the corner of a prison cell.
What had my life come to?

"Aye Miami, estas seguro que esta bien."(are you sure your ok?)
Sucre spoke up for the first time in what seemed like forever.

I know he cared but I shot him a look which he clearly understood as no more questions asked.

Michael flickered his eyes between me and sucre for a moment, a long moment which once again filled the room with awkward silence but for some reason this time it had a sense of comfort as well.

What was this place doing to my head...
I couldn't think straight and I didn't know what that would do to me isolated between 4 walls.

My feet involuntarily trundled forward closer and closer to the entrance of the cell, or more formally, my home.

Michael and sucre followed closely, it still baffled me that they wanted to care for me I mean I never asked for it....

After my 'acquainting' with t-bag I was suddenly more weary of this place and what surprises it might have lurking around the corner.

If only I truly knew the extent of that.

The once disruptive, crowded hallways were now eery and only filled with inaudible muffled voices

The walk felt like hours whilst it only took a matter of minutes.

Both Michael and sucre didn't Mutter a single word maybe they didn't know what or how to approach me.

Little did they know all I wanted was for someone to comfort me and tell me it's all going to be alright.

Maybe this was as good as it gets.

As we approached the yard, the intense Illinois sun hit me like a ton of bricks.

My eyes shut tight and my hands instinctively shielded my view.

Michael and sucre jogged forward and sat with an old man on the bleachers. Michael seemed to be fiddling with something under the bench.

But he stopped promptly when t-bag approached them and offered his pocket to Michael, it really stunned me how this man had no boundaries...... or standards.

I stood reluctantly in the middle of the yard when my eyes fell upon a small group of men sitting round a table with a strong look of assertiveness and intensity washed across their face.

Something washed over me which made me have a wave of confidence.

Before I knew it I was soon face to face with who I was led to believe as the 'leader' of this group. Maybe a mob boss?

"Look what we have here boys, a girl. What's your name Bella?"
He spoke confidently as if he never queried whether to talk to me or not.
Why this was I was not certain of yet.

"Em.. Emily... Emily peters."
I pinched myself for showing fear.

"Well I'm john."

"John Abruzzi."

What have I walked myself into....

Only time will tell.


Heyyy guys! Chapter 6 is finally up and I'm very proud of this chapter considering I had previously written it but it deleted so I rewrote it for you guys! I hope you enjoy and thank you so so so much for over 200 reads hopefully we can make it to 300!
Love you guys please comment any suggestions.

I love receiving constructive criticism as well as compliments anything on your mind. I reply to all comments.

Thank you all xxx

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