fox river state penitentiary || chapter 1

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I stood still, staring at my reflection in the mirror. For a moment I actually believed maybe this could all be a dream, maybe i deserved more, if only I wasn't the only one who wanted that.

I wiped away the smeared mascara from under my eyes, I mean I might as well look the part if this is happening. My back slouched and bags under my eyes from continuous sleepless nights, lying awake reminiscing on what could have been a much, much better life. If only I wasn't set up, that was the one thought which I couldn't shake, which would never leave my mind.

"this way, Emily"

My mind went blank.

All i could pull together was a simple, "ok"

I reluctantly dragged myself out of the toilet and met face to face with my lawyer, the one person who I had placed all my trust and freedom in the hands of. Veronica Donovan.

Our faces only inches apart, I could sense her nerves. But for some reason I had a feeling it wasn't to do with my trial, it was about her ex-boyfriend. She would never shut up about him, the infamous Lincoln Burrows.

The man who was convicted of the murder of the vice presidents brother, Terrance Steadman.

"the trial should be quick, but you need to stick to what we discussed. Plead guilty to all the crimes."

I felt sick to my stomach that i was admitting to crimes I never even committed.

We were called into the court room, Veronica went her way and I went mine, the only difference being I was strapped down to the floor as if I was an animal or something, two men either side of me gripping my chains like I was going to run away.

Maybe i should.

"All rise" The judges voice echoed in my head ears, I was dragged to my feet and all eyes were on me.

Normally I would've adored all the attention but there was something about the thought of being incarcerated for 5 years didn't excite me much.

My ears went muffled and I couldn't hear much, or maybe i just chose to zone out.

The judge called me to the stand asked the jury if they had made their decision in which they replied yes.

"we find the defendant guilty on all counts of murder."

those words made my legs collapse, and i couldn't hold back my tears any longer.

I saw veronica stand up and plead for a re-trial or a reconsideration but the judge showed no mercy.

The judged continued to state i would "serve your sentence in fox river, a level 1 maximum security prison in Illinois with no parol"

"but ma'am" she exclaimed "thats an all male facility"

the judge showed no remorse, and blankly "i know" is all she said.

Veronica looked me in the eyes and mouthed, "I'm sorry" that was the last thing i saw before I was dragged into the van which would take me to my new home and most likely where i will die..

why, why me?


hey guys! this is my first time writing a story and i hope you enjoy:) I love prison break so much, so i really enjoyed creating this first chapter for you all.

please comment if you would like me to continue writing as i will start updating regularly if you enjoy this! thank you all:)))

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