Behind The Scenes- CarterxMatt

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I know none of the boys are gay but this is purely fan fiction. No one will probably read this but ah well and if you are reading this, have a good day I guess?


Carters POV-


He popped his head around the door with a scared expression painted on his face. Was he scared of me? Of course not.

"Why! Why have you used all of my hairspray? AGAIN?!"

I screamed in his beautiful face. Yeah, I had a crush on Matt, in fact scratch that, I was in love with Matt. I know I had feelings for him as soon as we met, how could you not? He was just plodding around being his happy, friendly, carefree self with a goofy smile plastered on his plump lips. He seemed to get along with absolutely everybody and not one person could point out a flaw in his bubbly personality. Matt was the kind of person who would wait hours on end for you just so you didn't have to walk alone and was always the first to apologise, even if It wasn't his fault, which it never was. However, I was not at all surprised at his answer, it was always the same.

"I'm sorry... I guess" and he looked down at his feet in guilt. I felt horrible but I had to do these things.

"You know what Matt, I don't even care anymore, get your gay ass out of the room and go find your bum buddy Shawn."

He looked up at me and his eyes broke my heart. Hurt. Fear. Sadness. Vulnerability. And tears? He glanced at me once more before he let out a sob and ran out of the room. I hated myself, I had no idea why I put Matt through all of this. Well, I did know why, I was a coward. I didn't want him to know how i truly feel so I shout at him. He thought I hated him but I knew he hated me. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and felt a strong pang of disgust. I punched my reflection as hard as a possibly could and it smashed against my knuckles. Blood dripped down my fingers and dropped onto the floor leaving a small pool of blood at my feet. I looked up to see Taylor standing in the doorway, he didn't look shocked, only saddened as if he knew something I didn't. We just stared at each other for a few more seconds, each replaying what had just happened in our heads.

"Carter, you're a fucking idiot, you know that right?" Of course I knew that. He rushed forwards and engulfed me in his arms. I couldn't hold my tears back any longer and I ended up having a full-blown sobbing session into Taylor's chest while he patiently waited for me to stop crying. After a while, my breathing evened out and I pulled away from Taylor's comfort. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand towards the tap, gently washing the blood away and picking out the small shards of glass that had ledged themselves into my knuckles. This is what I loved about Taylor, no words were needed. Whenever I needed to cry, I knew I could go to him and he would just let me cry and listen to whatever bullshit came out of my mouth. Even on the phone, he would stay awake with me until early hours such as 4am just so I had someone to ramble to and get all of my problems out. He never pushed me and always respected my boundaries, no matter how stupid some of them may be. He probably didn't even listen to my problems on the phone, he was probably on Tumblr or something and just pretending to listen but that was besides the point, he was always there when I needed him the most whether that be 2pm or 2am. It dawned on me that I had never really thanked him properly. I snapped out of my thoughts to find taylor wrapping a bandage carefully around my hand and wrist to stop the bleeding.

"Taylor..." He looked up slightly, signalling for me to continue. "Thank you"

He finished my bandage off and smiled slightly "you're my best-friend, It's sort of my job, I'm kinda stuck with you bro" he joked hitting my shoulder lightly.

"No, I mean thanks for e-" he cut me off.

"Carter I know what you meant. And like I said, you're my best friend, I have your back and you have mine that's how it works, okay?" I smile and nod at him.

"Good, now you are going to talk to matt, apologise and tell him how you feel. You are both beating yourselves up over this and I refuse to watch it any longer. Bye bitch." He walked out swaying his hips from side to side making me roll my eyes at his childish behaviour. Well I guess I was telling matt, what did I have to lose? Our relationship was already ruined, no thanks to me...

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