Chapter Three

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It is no surprise that the funeral was full of tears and memories that I wasn't a part of. The entire church was witness to echoing sobs of family members and friends. I was glad when it all was over. 

I call for a taxi when it ends, and have the driver take me to my mother's house. "Leigha, you're back," she smiled. However, her smile contorts into concern. "Why are you all dressed up? And in all black?" She questions. It occurs to me that I hadn't told my mother.

"I thought I told you," I whisper, my voice hoarse from crying. 

"What? What did you think you told me?"

"Gemma.. Gemma Styles passed away." My mum gasps. 

"When did this happen? How, why?" 

"I don't know for sure. They say it was suicide, but her brother, Harry, he thinks someone did this to her."

"Oh.. Well, erm, do you want some dinner? Do you want to go out?" My mother tries to change the subject.

"I just want to stay here. Can we order something?" I suggest. She shrugs with a small smile forced onto her face. 

"Pizza then?" I nod, and flop onto the couch, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"I'm sorry about Gemma, dear," mum says, picking up the phone and shooting a confused glance toward me. 

"I am too. I wish I would have at least been able to talk to her, just one last time. One last time, dammit." My mother just dials the phone, and orders a large pepperoni pizza. 

When it arrives, we each only eat one slice with the telly playing in the background. We don't talk much, because I have nothing to talk about. Finally, after a few hours, it's five and I have to go to apply to that stupid job at that stupid coffee house. "Mum, can you drive me to wherever it is? To apply for that job?" 

She nods and says, "Of course. You just reminded me, I'm going to have to get you a car." 

"Mum, I can-" 

"No," she interrupts me, "it's perfectly fine. I love helping you, sweetheart," she smiles. I sigh and nod faintly. Then, I follow her to the car, climbing into the passenger seat and turning on the raido. 

It only takes a few minutes before we arrive to Brew'd Awakening, the coffee house. My mother smiles and waves me off, and I push stray pieces of hair behind my ears before walking in. I walk up to the counter, where a barista is waiting to take an order. 

"Hello, I'm Leigha Parker, and I had a job interview scheduled for five," I tell the young girl, who can't be any older than me. She smiles and nods. 

"You can talk to the manager right back here," she leads me to a back room where there is a tiny office, inside is a woman no older than 25 stands and smiles, holding her hand out for me to shake. The barista girl closes the door and I take the managers hand gently.

"Mary," she greets. "And you must be Leigha."

"Yes ma'am," I smile half-heartedly. I take a seat as Mary does the same, and I lean over to hand her my resume. She looks it over and raises her eyebrows. 

"I don't see a reason why I shouldn't hire you, according to this," she grins, shaking the paper. I smile back at her. "So, I'm going to ask you a few questions and we'll take it from there." I nod quietly. 


Not even thirty minutes have passed when Mary ends the interview. "We'll call you about it," is all she says for a goodbye. I give her a silent farewell with a wave of my hand and a smile and exit the coffee house. Once outside, I call a cab that shows up in minutes. 

While I road in the bumpy taxi, I get a call from an unknown number. Reluctantly, I answer. "Hello?" My voice sounds hoarse. 

"Leigha," a familiar voice breathes through the phone. 

"Harry? What do you want?" 

"Leigha, I know you said you didn't want any part of this, but can you please, please, come with me to Peter's house? Please," he begs. 

"Why? I already said, blaming someone else for your sister's death isn't going to do any g-" 

"Can you just shut the fuck up and meet me at your flat?" He interrupts,  I scrunch up my face at his remark. 

"How do you know where I live?" I feel like I could see him roll his eyes. 

"It's not important, just meet me here." 

"Fine," I say in a huff. I hang up the phone aggressively. Conspiracy obsessed asshole. 

(A/N: lol hi im a total asshole and i fell off the face of the planet for twenty years but looks who is back. sorry my writing is as shitty as me also LOL. but thank u to all those who are even reading, thank uuu )


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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