Chapter 2

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    Almost immediately after getting home from school the next day, Rebecca had decided to go out. It was a quarter after two when she left, and now it was nearly half past eight. She had left without a warning and was in no hurry to return. She would rather stay out all night than return home to a place where love was replaced with the empty void of sadness and pain.

    She kept walking down the street until she spotted her house on the corner. It was a nice two story home with a white exterior. There was an oak tree positioned in the center of the yard with an old tire swing hanging down from it. She used to love this house as a child. She would remember coming home from school and having her dad push her on the tire swing all day until her mother called them in for lunch. They use to do everything together. They would play together, laugh together, eat together, and do all the other things most families would do. Now she could barely remember the last time anyone besides Sarah even smiled.

    She had just gotten to the edge of the driveway when she noticed that all the lights were out, including the one on the porch. “That’s odd,” she thought to herself as she continued up the walk way. Her parents always turned on the porch lights around this time. She had just gotten to the door and was about to rummage through her pockets for her keys, when she saw that it was already open.

    At this point a thousand things were going through her head. Who left the door open? Why were the lights off? What was going on? Everything was so quiet it was nerve racking and her palms began to sweat as she walked carefully through the living room. The house seemed... empty. Even Sarah had turned off her TV, which was shocking considering that she was kept it on even while she would sleep at night. One time she fell asleep during a commercial break and a promotion for a new horror film came on. She nearly woke up everyone in the neighborhood with an ear piercing scream as she awoke to someone’s head being chopped off. Oddly enough, that still wasn’t enough to get her to turn off the TV before she went to bed. But for some strange reason hers had been cut off today.

    As she examined the living room, Rebecca couldn’t help but envision herself as the crazy girl in a scary movie. Everything about the house was telling her to turn around and leave, but she just couldn’t seem to make herself listen. She continued walking past the couch and towards the kitchen. She had just rounded the corner when the smell of death hit her nose. Her breathing became uneasy as the hairs on her arms began to slowly rise. She forced herself to keep walking... and walking... and walking until she had finally made her way around the kitchen counter. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened at the sight. “This can’t be happening,” she thought.

    Soon after, the shocking realization of what happened began to dawn on her. There lay her mother, in her own pool of blood. The crimson liquid covered her white blouse and spilled out onto the shiny kitchen floors. Tears began to pour down Rebecca’s face as she threw herself to the ground. “Mom...  Mom please open your eyes... please!” She wiped her face smearing her mascara all over the place as she continued to sob. She grabbed her mother’s hand... it was cold. The world began to spin as she seemed frozen in this moment. Her mother, the person who brought her into the world, the person who raised her, the person who loved her, was gone.

    “The others,” she thought. She couldn’t bare to think what had become of them. She forced herself to a knee and tried to think rationally for a moment. She wiped the tear from her face once more and staggered up on to her feet. By holding on to the counter, she managed to force herself over to the knife drawer. She couldn’t go through the house unarmed. She slung the drawer open and grabbed the biggest knife she saw. As soon as her hands clinched around it her blood began to boil as the fiery feeling of revenge swept across her body causing her to shake. Her head began to pound uncontrollably and more tears steadily made their way down the side of her face. She inhaled deeply and held it for a few seconds before letting it all out. She was ready, or at least as ready as one could be in this kind of situation. Whatever happened, she was prepared for it and nothing, and hopefully no one, could stop her.

    Suddenly, she began to hear the faint sounds of footsteps making their way down the hallway. She squeezed the knife even tighter than before; whipping around and making her way towards the approaching person. She quietly tiptoed around the granite kitchen counter and crouched down. She waited. The footsteps got closer and closer and it seemed as though time was frozen in this moment.

    Slowly, a man began to appear. She could barely glance at the man’s face before he came charging towards her. “You shouldn’t have come in here,” he growled as he lunged for her throat. His strong hands wrapped effortlessly around her neck as he squeezed them with all his might.

“The knife!” she thought as she started to feel her blood rush to her head. Her already red face had turned an almost purple color and foam had started to make its way up her throat as she jabbed the knife into her assailant’s side. The hit was rushed and she missed. Only the tip of the blade made contact as it tore a jagged hole into his shirt. Luckily the scratch was enough to turn his attention away and his fierce grip loosened slightly. It was just enough for her to wiggle herself free as she took another vengeful swing with the knife. This time, it pierced directly into the center of his thigh causing him to grunt in pain. He dropped down to one knee as he began to ease the knife out giving Rebecca the time to run to the alarm system and press the panic button sending off an alert to the police. By the time she turned around her attacker was back up on his feet and this time he had the knife in his hand. She started to panic as he inched his way towards her, wincing with each step. She was defenseless. Or was she? She turned towards the sink and snatched one of the plates out of the dirty dish water and sent it flying the man’s way. It soared across the kitchen and shattered as it crashed over his head. She sped around him and towards the door. The dish only seemed to agitate him more as he angrily limped after her. She started to run out into the yard screaming, but in all the chaos she managed to trip over a root from the oak tree that tire swing was attached to. It was over, she knew it.

    She rolled over trying to rush to her feet. She had just regained her balance when she heard the sound of police sirens echoing in the distance. She just had to make it a few more seconds before someone would be here to save her. She tried to start back running again but she got yanked back by her hair. The force was so strong it sent her tumbling backwards onto the ground. “Nooooo!” she started to yell as the knife came crashing down ripping through her flesh. Everything started to rapidly spin uncontrollably now. She could barely make out the red and blue lights of the police car swerving down onto her street. She lay there, broken and exhausted waiting for death to come. The man was gone now, but it was too late. She slowly began to drift into unconsciousness...

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