Meeting the Winchesters

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I was hidden in the shadows of the cold dark alleyway, when the back door of the club busted open. For a moment you could hear the loud beat of the music. The door slammed shut and everything went quiet. She stood there, her blonde hair curling just above her shoulders and dress as tight as her own skin. The stilettos on her feet clanking against the asphalt as she walked. She stepped into the light of the street lamp and stopped. Her pale face was twisted with rage but you could easily tell she was still trying to regain her strength from the "dead man's blood" that I had injected her with earlier. The veins from where I had injected it into her neck were fading slowly.

"Show yourself little hunter! Unless you're afraid." She said with a smirk plastered on her face.

I was currently wearing a black skater dress with my black leather jacket and a pair of extremely uncomfortable heels. I hated going undercover; the only good thing about this outfit was that I was virtually invisible in the dark shadows to a human eye. Yet, I knew I would surely be spotted. I could hardly walk in heels let alone fight in them. I slipped off my shoes as quietly as possible and reaching to where it hung at my waist, gripped my machete tightly. The only way to kill this thing was to cut it's head clean off.

"I know you're here. I can hear your heart pounding and can smell that delicious blood coursing throughout your body. Come out and fight!" She roared her eyes full of fury.

Well, I guess it's show time. Confidently, I stepped out of the shadows. Her face contorted into a devilish grin. God, I hated vampires. All they care about is blood and will do pretty much anything to get it.

"First," I said trying to act intimidating while stepping towards the vampire, "I may be little but I am not weak. I can sure as hell kick the shit out of your little pale ass. Second," I started to move closer to the furious beast who was growing angrier with every word.

"I'm not afraid of some vampire whore." I practically yelled the last words as I moved into position ready to strike. I ran for the monster and punched her square in the jaw. She stumbled backwards shocked by my speed and strength.

"I told you I'm not weak." I smirked as she regained her footing. I swung my machete around in my hand, as if I was a batter stepping up to home plate. Her face twisted with rage as she ran towards me. I was prepared to swing my machete straight into her neck but she regained full strength in a blink of an eye, and had me slammed up against the outside wall of the club. She gripped my neck and hoisted me off the ground so that I couldn't stand. My machete dropped from my hand and I began to claw at her hands to pry them from my neck. I could feel the air being ripped from my lungs as I slowly began to suffocate. She slammed my head against the building and roared, "Not so tough now are you little hunter." My vision began to blur signaling that I more than likely had a concussion. My thoughts drifted to the events that had lead me to this point...

...It had only taken me a day to figure out where this whore was hiding. Bobby had sent me to the little run down town of Mansfield, Pennsylvania. Population about 4,000. So when there is a vampire going around chewing on people, you begin to notice. Especially when it's a newer vampire who can't cover her tracks and eats college students.

Quickly I was ripped from my thoughts as the vampire bent down, maneuvered her hand so that it was still tightly gripped around my neck, and inhaled near my jugular. She moaned in pleasure and opened her mouth allowing her fangs to shoot out. 32 sharp fangs all dug into my neck at once, just barely missing my jugular. Thank God. I let out a groan of pain and began to panic for a plan. And like that it hit me, I still had a vial of "dead man's blood" in my jacket.

I maneuvered my hand and reached into my jacket pocket. The vampire was still distracted with trying to drain me dry. I raised the vial and jammed the syringe into her neck with all of my remaining strength. She dropped me in an instant and yelled in pain. Her face began to contort and she slumped to her knees. Weakly, I stumbled to my feet, picked up my machete, and walked towards the kneeling vampire.

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