Should I Stay?

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I awoke to the sound of a grown man crying and bright flickering lights. I slowly raised my head and looked around taking in my surroundings. We were in the basement of the phone company. Across from me was Sam and like me he was tied to a chair. Next to me was the Indian man who was now crying and begging for his life. Sam must have heard him as well because he began to wake up.

"Sam," I whispered trying to get his attention. Little did I know there was a fourth person present in the room. Well, maybe not a person; Clark, the creep from the phone company was now standing in between me and the Indian guy.

"Shut up!" He yelled at both me and the crying man. I saw he held a baseball bat in his hands and my head began to throb in pain. He must have been the one who knocked me out earlier.

He began to slowly circle the crying man.

"I'm sorry Clark, for whatever I did to you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he began to plead as he cried.

"Wait! Wait. Don't do it," Sam said fully alert now. I looked to him hoping silently that he could get us out of this cause I had absolutely no ideas. Part of me prayed that Dean would come crashing through the doors at any second to save our asses.

"Ah, you're awake," he said with a evil tone as he set down the bat and pulled out a knife. He held it to the Indian man's neck.

"You're not a killer, Clark," the man pleaded, "There's a- there's a good man inside of you."

"There's no man inside him. He's not even human. He's a cold-blooded killer," I said trying to help the man by grabbing Clark's attention.

"Ouch, so the pretty face comes with some attitude," He said looking at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the man. I looked at Sam as his eyes met mine, we both knew that we couldn't let this man die.

"You've been awful quite, what do you think Sammy? Am I a good man?"

"Just let him go," Sam tried to reason.

"I would. I really would," He paused building suspense, "If only I'd had more than a salad for lunch. I'm starving." Those were the last words he said before plunging the knife into the man's neck.

"NO!" Sam and I yelled as he impaled the man. I turned away not wanting to look. I slowly opened my eyes as I heard the sound of bones cracking and teeth pushing out from gums. Turning back I saw Clark, the Crocotta, in full action. He was leaning over the dead man and began to "suck" out his soul. Crocotta's feed on the souls of their victims. As he was busy eating the Indian man's soul, I began struggling to free my wrists from their binding. Sam saw me struggling and began trying to undo his binding as well.

Clark must have noticed my struggling because he wiped his face as he finished and turned towards me.

"Melanie my dear, there's no need to struggle. Why, in fact you're next," He said as he grabbed me by the chin and looked me in the eyes. I tried to yank my face from his grip but this only cause his grip to tighten.

"Go to hell," I spat at him knowing that in a minute it would be the end, he was going to snap my neck.

"My last call to Dean, it was you wasn't it," Sam spoke up in an effort to distract him. I began to rub my wrists against the ropes in hopes that my blood would free them.

Clark turned his attention to Sam and let go of my head,"Some calls I make, some I take. But you have to admit I had you fooled for a while. Oh well." Clark walked towards an electrical board and placed his hands on it letting it's power serge through him.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked trying to buy me some more time to escape. By now I could feel the sticky blood rolling down my hands. I tried to slide one out, I struggled against the rope but I had finally managed to get one hand free. Using the free hand I got the other undone. I still sat as if I was still tied up, so I wouldn't give away my plan. I met Sam's eyes and nodded.

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