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I'm soooo sorry!!!! It's been, like, forever since I last updated. I'm gonna try to update more often. But I've got a lot of stuff going on. And I've been super depressed lately. Soo i'm gonna quit talking now and get ot writing this chapter.

"Blaiz. That was amazing." CC said, looking at me. I blushed.

"It wasn't that good." I said.

"Bullshit!" Andy burst out. "I sing that song, and you sing it almost as awesome as I do."

I chuckled and pulled my sleeves down to my hands. I played with the end of one of the sleeves for a minute.

"Do you really think so?" I asked, quietly.

"Yes!" Andy said, grabbing my hand.  I laughed.

"Whatever! Anyways, you guys have to get ready to go on stage. I am going to go over to the ETF bus and get ready. I'll see you guys soon." I stood up and walked to the door.

"See ya in a bit, Blaiz!" Ashley yelled. I laughed and stepped off the bus.  I walked to the ETF bus slowly and when i finally reached the door, i stood there and recalled the past 10 minutes. 

"Did I really just sing in front of Black Veil Brides?" I asked myself. I paced back and forth for a minute before I knocked in the door. I opened the door slightly.

"Is everyone decent in there?" I asked. 

"Yeah. We're good."  I heard a voice say from inside. 

"Ok. Well I'm coming in." I said and opened the door and walked in. I was met by five eager faces.

"So why were you gone so long?" TJ asked.

"They made me sing." I said, not looking at anyone.

"Seriously?! Did you do it??" Craig asked.

"I had to. They wouldn't let me leave until I did." I said, pushing Max over and sat down on the couch.

"What did you sing?" Monte asked.


"How did it go?" Craig asked.

"Aside from me almost dying of nerves, perfectly fine." I said, chewing the inside of my lip.

"You are gonna need to sing for us someday too." Craig said, smiling.

"No offense, but that probably won't happen. I get too nervous.' I said, frowning slightly.

"I hate getting nervous. It keeps me from doing some things I want to do. Like sing." I looked at all of the guys.

"You want to know something?" Craig asked, after a minute or two of silence.

"What?" I asked.

"I used to get nervous before I would sing in front of people. But I knew that singing was something I wanted to do with my life. So I kept putting myself in situations where I would need to sing in front of people. It used to almost kill me. But I loved the adrenaline rush that came with it. So I got over the stage fright by focusing on the rush it gave me. I forgot about the nerves and the possibility of criticism and only focused on having fun. You should try it. It might work for you." Craig said, smiling.

"Seriously? You, of all people, used to get nervous?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yeah. Everyone starts out nervous. Even if they say they didn't. They did. Just try what I said and let me know how it works for you." Craig said, laughing and standing up.

"I doubt I'll ever try it. I never get up in front of anyone" I said, looking down and the floor.

"I have a feeling that might change soon enough."  Craig said, smiling bigger.

"If you say so. Are you ready to go on?" I asked. He nodded.

"What are you going to do during the concert?" Max asked, as he came out of the back.

"I'm going to the concert." I said, pulling out my ticket and backstage pass.

"Awesome! Who gave you that?" Max asked.

"Andy did. He felt bad because I was gonna stay on the bus when you all went inside. So he went and got me a ticket so I could go inside and watch you guys." I Explained.

"Ah. That makes sense." Max said. "Well we have to go inside now."

I stood up and took a deep breath. I put the pass around my neck and followed the guys outside. Andy and the rest of Black Veil Brides were standing outside, already waiting.

"Took you guys long enough." CC said, laughing.

"Yea. Yea. Shut it. Let's go inside." Craig said, walking to a door. He held it open for the rest of the guys. Then he looked at me.

"As soon as you walk through this door, your life is gonna change forever. Are you ready?" Ge said, trying to sound mysterious. I nodded and walked through the door.

I am soooo sorry it took me so long to update this. I don't know if anyone still reads this. But to those who do, here is a new chapter for you!! Oh. And guess what? I went to a Black Veil Brides and Falling In Reverse concert on November 8th. And all I have to say is that Ronnie, Andy, CC, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley are all soooooo much more attractive in person. And BVB are sooo nice in person. It was an awesome concert. Well I'm gonna quit talking now. v.v I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope to update again soon.

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