chapter six - the dungeons of the damed

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Tomorra POV

I’m sitting in the car with my dad and his singing to me. It’s one of my favourite songs because I feel this connection to it. Like Gary Allan wrote this song just for me. As the song starts of its slow. Both dad and I sway our heads to the plucking of the guitar and it makes a sweet melody. I’m smiling for one pure reason, I’m happy. It’s my birthday today and everything is fine. I have now just officially turned ten. It’s been four years since the fire and four years since I meet him, my best friend. Well second best friend because my dad comes first. He always comes first. My dad’s the only person apart from him who understands me and the best part is, he loves me no matter what the doctors say, or what mum says.

“I use to wish that I was, great as any man.  Better than I am. Can do things no one can,”

Dad and I both sing along to the song. Dads tapping his thumb on the stirring wheel as he bangs the side of the door with the other to the bass of the drum. Today his taking me for a drive, I don’t know where. He says it’s a surprise and I’m gonna love it.

“And I use to wish that I was, cool as could be. But now I’m learning to live with me.” Dad pulls his hand in from out of the window and switches hands so he can hold my hand.

“Is anybody satisfied with who they really are? You could be the moon and still be jealous of the stars. You gotta learn to swim if you can’t walk a pone the sea, so I’m, learning to live with me”

As he sang along to the song he’s look over at me with a gentle smile.

“This is your song Tomorra” he said. “I love you, you know that don’t you?”

“Yes, of cause I do.” I replied. He opened his month to say something when a car swerved out from behind us a clipped the rear end of our car sending us spinning out of control. Dad has lost full control of the car and we end up rolling three times before the car stops in the gutter. I’m in so much pain. My window has shattered and glass sprinkles me skin. There’s a cut on my arm and blood pours from it. I can test blood and feel it tinkling down the side of my face. I look over at dad and he looks okay. Just a couple of cuts on his arms and legs but is out cold. I unbuckle myself and lean over and check his pulse, his alive. I hear the guy before I see him. His heavy footsteps make there way to my side.

“Help us! Please, my daddy is hurt!” I cry threw broken sobs, but his not here to help, only to hurt me. He bends down and I see who it is. He lives across the street from us. Last week I saw him bashing his wife so I called the police. I watched the police take him away with my dad from our window. His wife was sitting next to my mother cry coving her face with her hands, he is a bad man my dad said, a very bad man.  He looked at me and pulled a gun from his back pocket.

“No one really cares for you in that house but him” he said flicking the gun at dad.

“Please don’t hurt him” I whimpered “hurt me instead not him, like you said no one will miss me” I plead with him but he gets up and moves to the other side of the car.

“That’s just it, I want your mum to miss someone” No, he thought it was mum who made the call but before I could tell him it was me he put the barrel to dads head and pulled the trigger.

I don’t know how long I sat there holding dads limp body in my arms. It was nearly dark by the time someone found us.  After a while I stopped crying, I just looked at him and held on for dear life, willing him to come back. At the hospital the police took dads body away and left me in a room to rest. My mum didn’t come and see me for a week and when she did the first thing she said to me was

“You killed him”

And I believed her.


I woke to a sicking pain in my chest. Everything was dark and cold. I tried to move but I couldn’t. Was what Torri send true? Am I dead? I don’t really want to dwell on it but being dead would make things a lot more easier to handle. Memories of the conversation between Samuel and Tori came flooding back, along with it the sound of the fight. Wonder who won?

Torri did  said my other half

How do you know?

Because we’re in the Dungeons of the Dammed.

How do you know that? I can’t see anything

Try opening your eyes idiot.  Up until then I hadn’t realised that my eyes were shut. I opened them slowly and to my horror saw that I was in a cage surrounded by fire. All around me were other cages that had other people inside them. Fighting for a small ounce of strength I pull myself up onto the bars.

“Help!” I cried but no one moved, they all looked dead.

“Save your strength sweetheart, you’re gonna need it” said a rusty voice from above me. I looked up and saw another cage like mine. Above me lying on the floor of their cage was a young girl. She wouldn’t have been any more than six or seven. She was wearing a funny looking jump suit that looked like something I’d seen out of a movie based in the eighteen-hundreds. It looked like it used to be white but was now and orange rust colour with ripped frills at the arms. I rolled back down onto my back to face her.

“Where am I?” I asked

“The Dungeons of the Dammed” she said.

“What’s your name?”

“Lisa, what’s your?”   


“Holy shit you’re her aren’t you the girl, the one who like, escaped death?”

“What?” my head is starting to hurt again, like, a lot.

“You are, I know cause I heard the bitches talking about you before, the big guys want to see you.” She said with a smile on her face

“What?” I asked again but she either didn’t hear me or ignored me and kept talking.

“But cause you did some bad shit, Zeus wants you to relive all of those moments, and judging from what I heard you screaming in your sleep I’d say you started” up until this point I was following along not understanding but this last part got me. My dream of my dad wasn’t a dream, it was a memory. One of which I buried so deep that it was like it wasn’t even there and if I was gonna be dreaming like this until all those memories were out, well, I’m not sleeping. I put them away for reasons. In the distance I could hear screams and rocking of cages.

“Shit, keep quiet and don’t look at them” said Lisa quickly rolling over covering her face with her hands.

I didn’t know what she was talking about but the screams were getting closer and closer. I rolled onto my side bitting my lip trying not to scream from the pain. I don’t know how long I laid like that seconds, minutes, hours? Until all the scrams stopped. I removed my hands from my face and look into the eyes of a winged monster. Her hair was wild and two red and black snakes twisted around her upper body. She smiled at me and I scrambled to the back of my cage. She pulled something out of one of the snake’s months and threw it at me. A smoke haze of purple surrounded me head. My mind started going fuzzy once more, my arms gave way and I collapsed on the ground.

“Ssswweeet ddrreeaammsss” it hissed and flew away.

We don’t seem to have any luck do we?

I would have laughed if I was still awake. 

A/N yep I'm a baby, I cried writing the first part about her father because it reminded me of my own dad. No his not dead, that part I made up but the happy stuff if what he does in a car in reality.  I told my mum I cried and she just looked at me funny. any way don't forget to comment and vote.


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