chapter nine - get rid of it

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Tomorra POV

My blood felt like ice. I took a step back a stumbled falling to the ground. A funeral; it has to be Samuel’s. Bile creped up my throat and the warmth left me, leaving me empty and cold. “What is wrong Tomorra?” asked Hermes. He moved to my side and places a strong hand on my shoulder.

“Who’s funeral is it?” I asked him struggling to keep it together. If Samuel was dead……I don’t know what to do. His been my best friend and the only one at of these people who have been kind enough to have my trust. I swear if he died I’m gonna find his soul and kill him all over again for leaving me behind. He bought me here or to the underworld, but he saved me and took me to a place that should not have existed, and if he was gone….. No don’t think like that. Someone else could have died. But his the only person alive that I know, so who’s can it be? Hermes breathed out a sigh and removed his hand and rubbed his eyes.

“Now it’s going to sound strange, maybe even crazy but it’s your funeral” okay that didn’t make me feel any better. These people are gonna kill me; I’m going to be a human sacrifice, but not if I get to them first. I lunged at him from the ground and knock him over so he was on his back. I moved my legs around so I had him pinned to the ground and shoved town fingers into a pressure point above his collarbone. He yelped in pain but couldn’t move.

“What do you want from me?” I asked with a voice of steel; and then I just realised that I sounded like my twin. What the hell? Think about it later Tomorra, these people want to kill you. Hermes squirmed but could do much good; he drew a short breath before he vanished from beneath me. Holy crap, I did not see that coming. Behind me I heard movement and I whirled around to see him standing there; hands in the air in s innocence act. I went to make a move but he spoke.

“Tomorra; listen to me, it’s your mortal self’s funeral. You died and we had to get you out of the body because it was dead. You were a walking corpse.” He said out of breath.  A scrawl rested on my face as I looked at him with a death glare that would have shot down any man if it actually could.

“A walking corpse?” I asked.

“Yeah; you were kind of like a zombie from the walking dead only your soul was still intact.” Hermes said with a hint of excitement. What the fuck is he talking about? The walking what? He must have seen the look on my face because he looked away and scratched his head. “Sorry, I forgot that you were um, you know, for three years.”

“What; locked up in a mental complex for three years without seeing anyone?” I said.


“So what is the dead walking thing?” I asked trying to get both our minds of the past.

“Oh, it’s just a TV show mortals made about zombies. The Walking Dead.” He says making zombie sounds with his arms rose walking in circles.

“So what am I now?” answer the question Hermes or I’m gonna get very mad. He stoped fooling around and grabbed my hand.

“Long story; I’ll tell you latter but we’re going to be late.” He pulled me after him out of the door and into bright white light.


Everything glowed with intense white heat. I never thought I could see anything so beautiful. We walked out of the door into an open circular area. Doors led in every direction and open windows looking out to gardens were next to them. Artwork littered the ground in amazing mosaics; that were of the Olympian Gods, all of which were in there natural environments.  Some were easy to pick out. There was a man with blond hair and a weird musical instrument in one hand. People were gathering around him dancing and laughing. It was Apollo the God of music and the sun, and you know, other things to but right know that’s all I can remember. When I first met Samuel I was six and I had an imagination that can push a train of its tracks but I liked have some sort of actual knowledge behind it, so I looked up mythical people. That’s how I know so much about them. Don’t judge me. The Greek mythology had me captivated in the mythical world; maybe, just maybe that’s why I’m handling this so well. Otherwise I’m just gonna assume this is a dream and in reality I’m still in the mental asylum. I look at the other images on the ground when one of them caught me off guard. There were two men. One had raven black hair and dark eyes and the other had white hair like mine but his eyes were burning red. Both looked like they were going to war with their swords in hand and daggers by their sides. The dark haired guy had a frown on his face; I could tell he didn’t like what he was about to do, but the other on looked excited. There was a devilish smirk and amusement in his painted eyes; he stood looking combatable with his sword like it was the most naturalist thing in the world. His eyes were pointed down to a group of people fighting; there was blood everywhere and bodies lying headless. I took a step back in horror. What was Samuel doing with that crazy looking person? Who was he? Hermes saw me staring at the art and came over to me.

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