I wake up thanks to Luke I get up and walk in the kitchen to see him trying to clean he has everything I just bought on the counter looking at every bottle
"Luke baby what are you doing up so early come back to bed please"
"Why I'm trying to make you feel better"he was right after i fell asleep I got sick and started throwing up and was running a 102.3 temp
"I'm cold please I need you to lay in bed with me and maybe we could I don't know"
"Make out please say make out I will love you for that"
"I thought you already loved me"
"I do I will love you even more"he walks closer to me and makes me look up at him"I will always love you no matter what happens to us"he leans down and kisses me with every thing he's got I kiss him back and I get slammed into the boards between the living room and the bedroom it hurt but I don't pay much mind to it he then takes my hair out of a ponytail and plays with my hair I flip us around so his back is on the boards I take the hem of his shirt and play with it he pulls away
"Screw it"
He throws me on the bed removes every piece of my clothing we then have the most slowest roughest sex
She is so beautiful when she sleeps the way her long blonde hair is spread all over her back the way her legs are tangled in mine can't belive just two years ago I meet this woman and now I'm fucking crazy about her if I ever lost her I wouldn't know what to do
Makenzies pov
"Yes love"
"Where are my clothes"
I'm just now getting out of the shower and Jackson is pissing me off
"There in here come get them you sexy beast"
"You can't tame this sexy beast so give me my god damn clothes or else"
"Or else what"
I walk in there with my towel and Jackson has them in his lap when I go to grab them he rolls backwards and rolls off the"other side of the bed
"No garments for you until you give a kiss"
Ugh I walk over there and smash my lips on his and the way His toung glided with mine was heaven I pull away and snatch my clothes and run back to the bathroom to get dressed and just think my life couldn't be better this little four person family got to me we are truly a one of a kind of family
So what did you guys think I know it's short but it's done love all the fans I have now and thanks for reading my book all of you need to look up theanglefromhell616 and read her book makenzie

My Friends And I Are Assassins
ActionThis is a story of friends that end up being a family. Zafirenia Carson is a 18 year old girl that has problems that she doesn't know about yet she will have to get over the fact that her parents died and she will become what she never thought was p...