Makenzies pov
"Bye z"
I still need my cotton candy"c'mon damnit" I'm getting pissed.How the Fuck does cotton candy stick to the ceiling"haha"I got it. When I look down its not on the counter its on the floor"fuck"my phone rings
"Hello what do you want"
"You but I'm not there yet babe"
Stupid jackson always does this shit"any way baby I'm on the way home need anything"
"Cotton candy,blue please"
"Didn't I just get you some"
"Why do you need more"
"Well I opened the bag and it went on the ceiling and when I got it down it didn't land on the counter it landed on the..."
"Floor,you and your cotton candy addiction"
"You seem to forget I have loved cotton candy longer than I have you"
"Ouch babe way to break my heart"
"I'm playing with you dumbass"
"That's why I love you"
"Cause I called you dumbass"
"No because you are a kid in an adult body,that sexy body"
"Whatever see when you get here love you babe"
"Love you too"
"Wait what did you tell Luke now that you told him you can tell me right"
"Yes but when I get home"
"Ugh fine"
"Bye babe"
"Bye Jackson"I throw my phone on the couch and sweep and mop up the cotton candy mess as I finish with that my phone rings
Again I know that ringtone I answer it immediately
"What the hell do you want"
"Kenzie it's me"
"What's wrong you sound hurt"
"No not at al-Fuck Luke that fucking hurts my arm"
"What's wrong with your arm"
"Drake visited again" I hear Luke in the background."What did he want from her"all of us hated him after what he did to zafirena it was unforgivable especially
After my brother he punched him because drake punched zafirena then I hit him before I could throw a second punch zafirena grabbed my wrist then when she let go and went bat shit crazy breaking his nose then Kolton pulled her off and said not to Fuck with his sisters again then that was the last we herd or seen him and now he's back"how in the hell did he find us anyway"
"I don't know makenzie I mean didn't the people here make it look like we died right"she sounds like she's in pain" you know I work-worked as a emt on the weekends right?"
"Yes and I insisted that Luke call you but no that wasn't happening" shit I started something"well I'm coming any way bye z"
"Bye kinzie" I text Jackson to tell him where I'll be,slip on my sugar skull converse lock the door and walk across the hall to so be called my sisters"
"Hello zafirena I'm here" Luke walks in the living room
"She's in the shower"
"That's why you shirtless and your pants are soaked"
"Oh no my shirt was covered in blood and this is from z"
He pointed to his pants" so how did this happen"
"Lets just say that she made water charge at him"
"Oh ok Jackson knows I'm here"
He tenced up"umm ok he won't be super thrilled at all"
"Why do you say that"
"You'll see" I hand him a $20 bill
"Not gonna tell you Jackson can when he gets here"
"Ugh fuck...Wait you still have my 20"
"Oh well"
Jackson's pov
I don't know I how I didn't notice before I mean we both have the same nose,mouth,teeth,why I didn't know before I don't know but she thinks I don't care about her but I really do. I saved her ass on the football field or the other day she thanked me, but left after I wonder how she's taking this I need to know if she's okay for God sakes she's my little sister
So that's it for this chapter love you guys and will be starting the next. Chapter soon

My Friends And I Are Assassins
ActionThis is a story of friends that end up being a family. Zafirenia Carson is a 18 year old girl that has problems that she doesn't know about yet she will have to get over the fact that her parents died and she will become what she never thought was p...