"I don't know what she means by classified what do we have powers or some shit"."No zafirena we don't have powers...oh my god ZAFIRENA
Makenzies pov
I hear jake scream her name me and Luke got done tossing the.body's out of the elevator and into the trash zafirena and jake are like brother and sister close he wouldn't scream like that for nothing me and Luke are currently trying to find them "I need to know what Happend to her"I know Luke we need to keep looking
jakes pov
"Zafirena calm down"I can't breathe I can't see straight i-"she passed out oh my God I pick her up and scream" MAKENZIE"and I hear a.response "JAKE WHERE ARE YOU" I run as fast as I can to makenzie I set her down and Luke gets on his knees sits her head in his lap and don't even have to ask"she fell down and started hyperventilating then passed out"I'm gonna take her home""Luke as much as you love her we all need to go home with her"I say and makenzie starts to cry"makenzie what's wrong"Luke says with his tear stained face"the last thing I did to her was slap her and acted an ass what if she never wakes up"" makenzie she will wake up I will wait forever till she does I won't leave her side come on let's go.home
Ok quick change
jake is now named Jackson
Ok now back to the story
Luke's pov
I watch her sit there limp she's been like this for three hours this isn't normal her panic attacks don't end like this"Luke has she moved at all""no but at least she has a pulse"well that's good I need her to wake up so I can apologize""makenzie she will forgive you chi-"WHAT THE FUCK"me and makenzie walk out there to see what Happend I see the most weird thing
"Makenzie why is there water floating out of the sink and it's now floating to the bedroom""I don't know but I will get.a towel"
WTF she just fucking teleported.what's happening Luke I need that cup""why""just give it to me he says and without taking a step the cup flys in my hand"HOLY SHIT did you see that.""yes Luke what the hell is happening"makenzie telaports in here hey got your. To..wel are you guys okay" no we need to kn-
Zafirenas pov
I.wake.up with water surrounding me.with no one in the.room with me I walk out.and.see.that makenzie.teleported and Luke has.telekinesis and Jackson make.and move fire"hey guys I'm.up what time is it"Luke runs to me and gives.me a hug and a kiss that is yet rough but genital and.once we break apart he.gives me another hug.and.my butt a squeeze I laugh and as soon as he moves away makenzie gives me a bone crushing hug and says "I'm sorry" we all just chill and talk about why we have powers and think how this is possible"wait guys what if the two trainers were right what if this is what they meant by classified and dangerous" we sit and think and after about an hour or so they leave and it's just me and Luke
"Luke baby I'm gonna get in the tub ok""take a shower please"why""so I can join pretty please babe I promise no funny stuff maybe""ugh fine but the water is gonna so hot and you like it cold so ha""not as hot as me" "true nothing is hotter than you now get in the shower and turn it to full blast hot""Ok love you"and as he walks by smacks my ass and walks in the bathroom I follow and we actually get each other undressed and in the shower
Once we get out I only put on my blue bra and underware and crawl into bed I feel the bed dip in and a warm body on my back"I love you so much"and I manage to mutter"I love you too babe" and drift to sleep with my boyfriend rubbing my back and kissing my neck.
What do you guys think so far hope all the fans I don't have enjoyed this chapter and next one will go up tomorrow 😜

My Friends And I Are Assassins
AcciónThis is a story of friends that end up being a family. Zafirenia Carson is a 18 year old girl that has problems that she doesn't know about yet she will have to get over the fact that her parents died and she will become what she never thought was p...