Three- Alexa

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ALEXA was bored

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ALEXA was bored.

Business was very slow since it was 9:50 on a Wednesday night. Since she lived in the extremely rich but small suburban town of Ricco, New Jersey, people who stayed at the fancy Diamond Hotel mostly stayed there on the weekends.

Maybe no one would notice if she took a little nap....

"Oh my god, Alexa, wake up!" The high voice of Lacey Merritt, Alexa's best friend, and fellow Diamond employee was the reason that Alexa was not happily passed out at her desk at this moment.

Alexa eyed Lacey with extreme irritation, "What?" She grumbled.

Lacey waved her hands, "I took my break, but just after I took my break, I saw Carson Lord and a girl drinking wine at our bar!"

"What the hell?" Alexa asked, "Why is Carson Lord with another girl at his own hotel?"

Just then, Alexa's manager strode up to them.

"Lacey, I know you and Alexa are friends, but you have got to stop distracting her while she's working!" Clyde Thorne said with his exasperation quite apparent.

"But Clyde, you can't keep me from Lex, she's my best friend! And I had to tell her that Carson Lord is-"

"Yes, thank you, Lacey, I'm sure Alexa would have figured it out when I came to her to help me make arrangements for Mr. Lord." Clyde interrupted.

"I would have asked which Mr. Lord you were talking about," Alexa pointed out. Clyde shot her a look.

"Just go tell the hotel maids to clean up the Presidential Suite," Clyde told her with a sigh.

"Sure," Alexa shrugged, "I'll call them right now."

"Thank you. I'll be doing inspections." Clyde disappeared as quickly as he'd arrived.

Alexa pulled out her iPhone while she continued to talk to Lacey, "But not before I call Julia. She'll be interested in this."

"Hey, speaking of Julia, are you pissed at her for putting her name on your name tag?" Lacey asked, pointing at the name tag Alexa was wearing that read Julia.

Alexa snorted, "We've been switching our names with each other's as a prank since when we were little, so no. Clyde will never notice that my name tag doesn't have my name on it."

"That sounds like so much fun. No one would ever be able to tell the difference between you two," Lacey said.

"That is what being an identical twin means, Lace," Alexa smirked at her best friend before hitting the Call button on her phone.

"Lex? Aren't you at work?" Were the first words that her twin graced her with.

"Hi Jul, I'm great, how are you?" Alexa asked sarcastically.

"Peachy. I'm very busy, I don't know what you want-" Julia started to say.

"For you to ask me about my day," Alexa muttered into the phone.

"And to tell you about Carson Lord!" Lacey chirped into the phone, "Hi Jul! I was here the whole time, by the way."

"Carson Lord?" Julia repeated, and Alexa could just tell that she was finally paying attention to her, "What about Carson Lord?"

"He's here with a woman who isn't Arabella Chermont- HOLY SHIT, THEY'RE HOOKING UP ON THE BAR COUNTER!" Lacey screamed, pointing at the bar.

No one stared at Lacey, except for Alexa since there was no one in the bar. Not even the bartender was there since he took one look at what was happening and made a hasty exit.

"Seriously, Jul, you've got to see this-" Alexa started to say into the phone, but Julia interrupted her again.

"I'm coming right down. If he so much as moves an inch, I want to know about it." Julia said seriously.

Alexa grinned wickedly, "His hand just moved under her dress-"

"Alexa, you don't have to narrate everything, Jesus!" Julia snapped.

"You did ask for it," Alexa snickered.

Julia made a noise of disgust, "Whatever. I'll be here in five." She hung up the phone. 

"Well, that was rude," Lacey huffed. 

Alexa nodded sagely, "You're telling me." 

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