explosion of color // deidara

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You can only see in black and white. Your eyes will finally see color when you make eye contact with your soulmate.

16 years old. You still haven't found your soulmate, and it really broke you to see couples acting all lovey-dovey all around you.  Your parents were never supportive of you, of nothing about you, and that didn't help either. You couldn't deal with it anymore. You had only resorted to pouring out your emotions into drawings. Scattered throughout your room were various sketchbooks, filled with sketches and complicated drawings to relieve your stress. You only used a pencil of course, since you wouldn't have been able to see the colors very well anyways.

It was one day in your art class that changed your life.

There was a new student, and you hadn't really cared. It wasn't like he was actually going to talk to you.


Sitting and working on a clay project, you stared intently at the large grey blob, trying to fix up multiple cracks. Out of nowhere, a boy with long blonde hair that was half-shaved walked into the room, accompanied by a teacher.

"This is Deidara, he's gonna be new here. Treat him well!" and with that, the teacher left,  leaving the boy alone. You didn't even bother to look up from your work, and just shrugged it off. He went and sat at a table full of popular boys. They all got along with Deidara fairly quickly, and soon, they were the loudest table in the classroom.

"Deidara's table, settle down," the art teacher said. You just scoffed, knowing they were bound to get in trouble soon.

The bell rang soon and you rushed to put your clay figure in the storage room. You ran into a certain blonde on the way, and he elbowed your clay figure, creating a large dent in it. Anger bubbled in your chest as you ignored his attempt to say anything and rushed past him, setting down the figure and leaving the classroom. Deidara looked after you with a confused look.

"Oh no, it's my first day here and I've already upset someone," he muttered, walking out of the classroom himself, and heading to his next class.

The rest of the day wasn't very good for you. You discovered that you shared most of your classes with the blonde jerk, and he disrupted every single class.

You shoved your notebooks into your bookbag and walked down the busy hallway, eager to get home after an exhausting day.

You were stopped in the hallway by a tall figure looming over you.

"What do you want," you snapped, looking down at your shoes. You tried sidestepping away, but he blocked your movement once again.

"Why are you ignoring me?" asked Deidara in his oh so annoying voice.

"You destroyed my art!" you grumbled," Can I leave now?!"

"It was just an accident! I totally appreciate art!" he argued, grabbing your arm. You finally looked up at him. One of his eyes was covered up by his hair and the other was a vibrant blue.

Wait, blue?!

You snatched your hand out of his grip and a pink color burst across both yours and his cheeks.

"Oh," was all Deidara said, putting his hand back by his side and looking away. He started to leave, but you were the one who stopped him this time, by grabbing his hand and pulling him back, but way too hard, making fall on top of you.

"Well this is awkward," he said, with a slight smirk. You pushed him off of you and studied his expression. He smiled so easily, and his hair swayed whenever he moved.

Seeing him caused you to see in an explosion of color, literally.

The rest of the year, you gradually warmed up to him, sticking by his side every moment you could. Deidara watched over you and helped you bring out a side you had never thought you had, a side that smiled more often than frowned.

On New Year's Eve, you sat on the roof of your house, with an arm wrapped around you as you snuggled into Deidara's chest.

"Gosh, I'm glad I ruined your clay piece," Deidara murmured into your hair. You elbowed him with a laugh. The actual figure was supposed to be a sitting down a mannequin, but since Deidara deformed it, it looked like it had broken his back. You painted it to look like Deidara and gave it to him for Christmas as payback.

"That's a weird way to say I love you," you said with a chuckle.

Soon enough, There was only a minute left till midnight. You wondered if Deidara was gonna kiss you. He still hadn't ever since you started dating. You started fidgeting around nervously, not making eye contact with Deidara. He took his hand from around you and checked his watch.

Thirty Seconds.


You stared down at the bottom as you watched people putting final adjustments to the fireworks. Everyone started chanting.





One. Deidara took your face in his hands and gave you a gentle, but passionate kiss, your lips moving in sync.

Pulling away for air, Deidara kissed your nose and wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you stared up at the fireworks exploding into bursts of color in the sky.

w: 898

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