IV. protect the weak

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—Btw guys this chapter's dialogue will not be accurate at all, as I have no access to the script or episode I'm going off purely by the GoT wiki page lol

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Btw guys this chapter's dialogue will not be accurate at all, as I have no access to the script or episode I'm going off purely by the GoT wiki page lol. Thanks for your patience and all your comments, you're all so cute.

ENYA SAT SHARPENING her sword with a wet stone in hand, the wildling group had stopped to rest for a while and Enya was not wasting her time with pointless activities.

Her father had said that every good sword had a name and when he told her that, Enya had spent the next day in the library, scouring the history books for a good name for a sword. She had found a book about the Targaryen monarchy and found herself fascinated by the story of Queen Visenya. She was a dragon rider and she had ridden Vhagar. Enya was dead set on the idea of naming her first sword after her and she did.

On Enya's sixteenth nameday, her father had gifted her a sword made by the finest blacksmith in the North. It was made of Valyrian steel and had a sturdy wooden handle that Enya had later neatly carved a wolf into. She hadn't known but Eddard had watched his daughter learn to wield a sword at nights. He never told her until then but she knew that he was proud, given that he hadn't stopped her. Just like she always told Arya, it wasn't her that was wrong, it was the rules.

Enya had kept Visenya for all the years that followed, she had never had the need to use it until the  North went to war against the crown. Up until then, Enya had only used a wooden sparring sword that she had found in the courtyard at Winterfell. She was brought out of her memories when she looked over at Orell. The awful man was a warg.

Enya had never met a warg before but she had read many stories about them in the library. They could overtake the minds of animals and in extreme times, humans as well. They would then have complete control over the animal's action after and that was what Orell was doing with a bird. He was scouting their next location to make sure that there was no one there.

Enya heard a conversation between Jon and Tormund and she was very upset that she was able to hear. Tormund was speaking loudly and clearly, Enya was sure that the whole camp could hear him, "Most men fuck like dogs." He was giving a demonstration with his fur sack and making dog noises. Enya sneered her nose in disgust at him, being harsher with her wet stone, "No grace, no skill. Few dozen thrusts, done. You need to be patient, give her time. Your cock shouldn't go near her 'til she's slick as a baby seal. And then, you go inside; slowly, don't jam it in like you're spearing a pig." He laughed obnoxiously and Enya cringed even more, her anger growing at the atrocious way men spoke about women. "Come on! Come on!" He yelled to the whole camp, informing them all that they were moving again.

Enya threw away the stone in anger, gripping Visenya at her side whilst she walked. It was the only way to calm her anger about Tormund's words. To begin with, Enya didn't think that he was too bad, he had been kind to her. But, she was still infuriated by his words which was why when Tormund began to walk with her, Enya ignored him. She tried to walk away but every time she tried, he would follow with an excited grin on his face.

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