Episode 1: ❝First Day at Karasuno❞

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      THERE were times when Hikari doubted her decision-making skills and asked herself why no one stopped her before making said decisions. Like when she was twelve and decided that a bright yellow skirt, dark blue stockings and an olive colored blouse went well together. Or that one time when she got her hair cut short, only to struggle with it during soccer games because it couldn't be pulled back with a hair tie.

Right now, as she's literally flying down a steep hill while wearing a skirt, she asks herself if she's cursed with bad intuition. Just why did she think that rollerblading to her first day at Karasuno High was a good idea?

Hikari screams shrilly all the way down the rocky pavement, not caring if someone catches a glimpse of her moment of stupidity. Her brown hair whips against her face almost painfully as she prays for a safe landing from whatever god or deity compassionate enough to grant her wish. Why was she a damn boke?!

After 73 seconds of pure terror, she's finally at the bottom of the hill. Her legs tremble as she sinks to her knees, her forehead meeting the ground multiple times in gratitude. Shakily, she recomposes herself and skates the remainder of the way to her new school.

After her last year of junior high, Hikari had practically begged her father to let her go to Karasuno. There were many memories to be made there, she had assured him, and she had her fingers crossed so she could find one of her only friends amongst the first-years. The patriarch of the Katsura family had insisted that his daughter attend a school with more prestige, somewhere where her cousin could keep an eye on her, but after Hikari had practically begged nonstop, he accepted her decision and helped her study for her entry exams.

Now, seeing the high school up close and personal, Hikari battles the butterflies fluttering in her stomach when she spots the pretty pink flowers blooming on the trees standing proud at the main entrance. She marches ahead with a proud grin, her horrifying ride down Death Hill forgotten. 

The school bell rings a couple seconds after the brunette slides into her seat in Class 1-3. Thankfully, she had time to straighten herself out and change her skates for proper footwear before school started.  A sigh of relief escapes her lips. At least she wasn't late on her first day.

The girl cranes her neck, ready to get a look at her new classmates, when the teacher suddenly walks in and asks for silence. Attendance is called so fast that Hikari can't keep up, struggling to connect names and faces. She gives up on the task entirely, waiting for her name to be called instead.

"Katsura Hikari."

She lets out a halfhearted 'here', accompanied with a small wave. Hikari wasn't really the shy type, but she did get uncomfortable in new environments and it took her a while to get used to it all.

"Please take out your math textbooks and turn to page 12 where we will begin with a small introduction..."

Math. Hikari smiles a little. She liked math. Always constant, reliable. A universal language. She begins jotting down her notes in an organized manner, clicking her mechanical pencil every once in a while. And before she knows it, it's already lunch time.  

Hikari makes small talk with a charismatic raven-haired girl as they proceed towards the cafeteria. She learns that her companion's name is Satou Michiko. They begin to chatter about how they perceived the school, their senseis, and the boys in their year. Hikari hadn't even noticed the males of their own class, causing her to sweat drop as she gave her explanation. Michiko pats her shoulder with a laugh.

Food in hand, the brunette can't help but notice all the different school clubs set up in the halls to find new members, and her interest is piqued as she wonders if Karasuno had a girls' soccer team. "Satou-san," Hikari begins, "have you thought about joining a club yet?"

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