Chapter 5

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Belle was already awake the next morning, being one of the first students in the great hall. She was sat with her room mates, including Polly, who was being a lot nicer.

"Your accent, it's Irish right?" Emily asked, being her curious self.

Belle nodded, "yeah, my whole family is Irish".

Killian walked in, his hair was scruffy on the top of his head, his eyes looking tired. That all faded when he saw Belle, his smiled widened and he sat down next to her.

Edward was waiting at the bottom of the girls dormitories stairs waiting for lily when a sixth year with brown bushy hair and grey eyes came down and smiled at him " are you alright? Can I get anyone for you?" She asked him kindly

" oh umm yes, are you able to tell Lilyanna that I'm waiting for her please?" Edward replied, glad that the charm was still working and that he looked and sounded like a first year.

"Of course I can, don't you worry, if you need any help just come and find me, the name's  Evangeline Smith" her tone cheerful and happy

" thank you Evangeline" Edward smiled kindly

" you're welcome, I'll go up and get Lilyanna for you now" and with that Evangeline walked back up the stairs and headed to the first year bit, she soon found a door that had three names Crystal Summers, Sarah Jenkins and Lilyanna Potter making Evangeline freeze before knocking on the door where giggling could be heard, finally she knocked on the door

" come in" all three girls chorused at the same time making them laugh again

With that Evangeline opened the door " excuse me, which one of you is Lilyanna? There's a boy waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs "

" I am" Lilyanna said as she stood up and made her to the door " bye crystal and Sarah" and with that she ran down the stairs

Professor Flitwick walked up to them, "and who are you five?".

Polly turned to look at him, "Oh I'm Polly Parkinson, this is Belle Finnegan, Emily Winchester, Nadine Novak and, Um...I'm sorry I don't actually know your name".

"Killian Jones, sir" he replied, turning towards the teacher.

"Right, well seeing as you're here early, I'll give you your timetables now" Flitwick announced, handing them their timetables and then walking away.

"We have DADA with Slytherin house first" Emily said, turning to her friends.

"No we don't, we have DADA with Hufflepuff" Nadine commentedhall

" morning lily" Edward smiled as he offered her his hand

" morning edward " she smiled back and took his hand " let's go and get breakfast, maybe belle and Killian are there"

" good idea " Edward replied and leaded her down to the gryffindor common room and out of the tower and greeting the fat lady before going to the great hall

"Well we do have History of Magic with the Slytherins after break" Belle mumbled, glancing down her timetable.

Killian laughed, "come on, They can't be that bad".

Belle nodded, "that's true, my friend Seth is a Slytherin".

Edward and lily walk into the hall and go to the gryffindor table

" ah Cullen, Potter so good of you to finally join us" McGonagall greeted them " take these" she handed them their timetables and walked away

" let's go and eat with ki and belle " suggested as lily nodded her head

"Well at least we have Charms and Transfiguration with the Gryffindors after lunch" Killian muttered, looking up as his friends walked in.

" hey guys" Edward greeted them "everything alright?"

lily sat down next to belle and poured herself a glass of orange juice " hey belle"

"Hi lily! These are my room mates, Emily Winchester, Nadine Novak, and you already know Polly" Belle smiled, introducing her friends to her bestfriend.

" hi, I'm lilyanna, lily for short though and this is Edward"

" good morning ladies" Edward smiled at the girls

"Morning Ed!" Emily smiled, before turning back and picking up some food and a glass of milk.

Nadine smiled but didn't say anything. Her brown hair tumbling over her shoulders and hiding her face.

"What have you guys got now? Isn't it Potions with the Slytherins?" Polly asked, turning to face them.

Edward looks down at his timetable " potions"

" urgh, why potions?" lily groaned

"I knew it was potions" Polly yelled, making Belle, Emily, and Nadine laugh.

Killian laughed, "well, you seem different today Polly".

Polly blushed slightly, "um yeah, I realised I was acting a lot like my older sister and I don't want to be like her".

" or is it because your scared that Edward will do more than hurt your wrist?" lily glared at Polly not wanting to trust her just yet

Polly looked down, her smile fading, "you don't have to be mean" she whispered.

Belle looked at lily, "she's actually really nice Lily, calm down".

Emily and Nadine looked at Lily weirdly and then looked at Polly.

" just like you didn't have to be mean to us" lily retorted

" enough lilyanna rose" Edward glared at her from across the table

"Lily just, stop, please" Belle whispered.

Killian looked at her and took her hand.

"It's alright Belle, I deserve it" Polly replied, sighing slightly. "I'm sorry Lily, I didn't mean to be mean yesterday, it was my first day, I was scared I wasn't going to make any friends".

" all of us felt like that, not just you, I'm glad you finally have some common sense" lily replied

" that's it Potter, you need time out, right now" Edward growled as he stood up and pulled lily out of the hall " what on earth is wrong with you lilyanna?"

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