chapter 8

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During that time, Killian had found the first year slytherins and was now spying on Seth Clearwater, the person that Edward hated most in this school, Seth was a shapeshifter, making him natural enemies with Edward and Edward's family. Whilst spying on Seth, Killian had found out about something dark that would involve the golden quartet, Lilyanna, Belle, Edward and himself. So he slowly and carefully backed away and headed back in the direction he came from.

As he glanced down at his watch he realised that it was nearing the end of defence against the dark arts, so he decided to go and wait for belle, Edward and lilyanna and tell about what he had heard whilst they walked to their next class. Shortly after Killian reached the 2nd floor corridor and began look for the right classroom, when a door creaked open and a bunch of students began piling out, Killian easily managed to pick out lilyanna due to her flaming ginger hair. By finding lilyanna he had found the other two so he pushed past the rest of students to get to them "belle" he called " edward, lily, I got something to tell you" the three stopped and walked to the side so as not to block the corridors and Killian followed them.

" what's wrong Ki?" Belle asked but before killian could reply, edward let out a growl and was running to the dungeons.

"Edward" lily called after him " edward wait" she called again as she ran after him.

"Killian, what's going on?" Belle asked rather worried " Seth" Killian replied " I was spying on him instead of attending class and I overhead him talking starting a war with some of his Slytherin friends in order to get rid of what they are calling the golden quartet" he explained

" golden quartet? " belle asked as she thought " that's edward, you, me and lilyanna isn't it? Its because we're friends with lilyanna and because Edward's a vampire but only Seth knows that edward is a vampire but why is Seth planning on something with the Slytherin which will end up hurting one of his friends?" Belle continued as she thought for a reason as to Seth would want to do this

" I have no idea belle, but I do remember that edward warned you" Killian replied with a sigh, edward being right had really bugged him

Belle paused for a moment, “I really don’t think he would try and hurt me. I’m one of his best friends”.

a Slytherin girl with coffee brown hair ran past and into belle " oh look, its a leach pet and potty's friend" the girl giggled as she ran back towards the Slytherins again

Belle frowned and turned away from Killian and the Slytherins.

As lily caught up with Edward she called out to him again " EDWARD!" she shouted making Edward stop and look at her " what is it lilyanna? I'm kinda busy" he growled

" look Edward, whatever it is. It can wait, come and discuss it with all of us, please" she looked at him pleadingly

As edward looked into his eyes he couldn't help but to go back with her " alright, let's go then Missy" and he took her hand and walked back in the direction they had come from

Killian frowned slightly and wrapped his arms around her waist, “Don’t let them get to you, Belle”.

Without meaning to, Belle turned around and she came face to face with Killian, their noses bashing against each other. She blushed furiously.

" why are you still around me lilyanna? I'm a vampire, I could kill you" Edward asked her

" Edward, you may think that, but everyone who has come to know you will say different "  lily answered Edward's question as they rounded the corner to see belle and killian

Killian smiled slightly, “may I?”.
Belle was frozen. There were people everywhere, even the group of Slytherins were staring.

Killian didn’t really wait for an answer and leant down to kiss her.


" hey look, he's kissing the Irish squib" the Slytherin girl from before called out

Due to him and lilyanna coming round the corner they saw Killian kiss belle and heard the Slytherins mocking them, Edward looked over to them his eyes going instantly black

Killian pulled away, smiled at her slightly and then turned towards the Slytherins, “what did you just call her?” He growled.

lily walked over to belle and put her arm around belle's shoulders " don't listen to them belle it's not true" lily said

Edward walked over to Killian " I told you they was all up to something " Edward said quietly so only Killian could hear him

" oooh look he's getting all protective of the squib and so is potty" the Slytherin girl laughed again as all the other first years joined in 

Killian pushes Edward off and walked up to the girl, “you call her that one more time and you won’t have a mouth to speak from ever again”

Edward looked over towards the girls " you two get to class, Ki and me will sort this out" he smiled at belle and lily before going over to Killian and the Slytherins " Clearwater put you up to this didn't he?" Edward asked

At hearing his name said Seth stepped forward " bloodsucker, keeping pets are we?" he asked

Killian growled slightly, “and you’d really hurt your friend to get back at him?"

" I'm just trying to nudge her away from him that's all, don't want the treaty broken do we" Seth answered

At this point lilyanna stepped forward " excuse me, but Edward is our friend and my soulmate, so I think you should back the hell of before you regret it" she said

" oooh look potty's angry, what is she gonna do? Go crying to the weirdo?" a Slytherin boy laughed

Lilyanna took out her wand and aimed it at the boy " eat slugs" she said as the spell hit him straight in the chest 'anyone else want to start?" She questioned as she glared at them.

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