chapter 3

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As all the first years pilled into the entrance hall lilyanna, Belle, Killian and Edward all stuck together as they waited for a professor to come and greet them " I'm so nervous, I really want to be in Gryffindor" lily said with a small smile " well wherever you are lilyanna, I want to be" Edward replied as he tried to flirt with her, causing her to blush slightly " do you have any siblings? " she asked him " yeah, all older though" Edward replied back, although he was the oldest child in the family he didn't want to give his game away

Belle stayed quiet. Being nervous was never a good thing for her, she was jumpy at everything. And a hand on her shoulder made her jump out of her skin. " Looks like you've made friends with a potter! How about making friends with me instead, at least I won't use you to make myself more popular" said a voice from behind her. Belle turned to face a girl with long black hair, "um, who are you?". The girl flicked her hair over her shoulder and smirked, "Remember Pansy Parkinson? Legend of Slytherin house? Well that's my older sister. I'm Polly Parkinson, and who might you be?". Belle's words stuck in her throat for a moment, "Belle, Belle Finnegan". Polly laughed, "oh you're the daughter of that weird kid that blew things up! I bet you're just like your father, stupid, dumb, Irish and of course, bad at magic".

Killian growled, his hands curling into fists, "watch your mouth! Why don't you take your filthy words and shove them up your arse!". Polly looked shocked and most people had turned to look. She pouted, "and why would a cute guy like you defend a freak like her?". Killian stepped forward, "because, she's my friend, so you should watch your mouth!".

" I didn't befriend her for popularity, besides the the only one here that's trying to gain popularity is you by mentioning your dumbarse sister, even Draco malfoy wasn't interested in dating her, so how about you take your pug face else where" lilyanna replied calmly, whilst everyone stared in shock at what she had said to a Parkinson

" you're cute when you're angry, you know that right?" Edward whispered into lilyanna's ear

Killian grabbed Belles hand and went to walk away, "come on guys, lets go somewhere else, far away from this attention seeker".

Belle went beetroot red and looked at the floor.

Polly smirked, "awe look, the little freak has a crush! Too bad for you, he isn't interested". A few of her friends moved behind her and began laughing.

Killian growled loudly, "and who said I wasn't interested? What, you think I'd be more interested in a bitch like you rather than Belle? Ha! That's rich".

at this Edward stepped in front of belle and Killian and growled at the new girl " leave my friends alone Parkinson " his eyes quickly flashing to black before going back to their golden colour " or else you may regret it" he then pulled lilyanna to his side and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek to show polly he also wasn't interested in her but into lilyanna instead

lilyanna blushed but quickly regained herself " I think you better walk back over to a place your wanted, coz your not wanted here" and with that she flicked her flaming ginger hair in polly's face and turned her back on her just as Professor McGonagall entered the entrance hall to greet and welcome them

Belle turned away from everyone, not wanting to look at them.

Killian saw this and frowned, " I'm sorry if I embarrassed you at all Belle. I didn't mean what I said, well I did about being interested but you know what I mean".

hey, chin up, you can't let pug face see that she's got to you, you got us three that will look out for you and protect you" Edward whispered quietly into belle's ear and gave her a small friendly hug as McGonagall gave a small cough as a way to say i'm waiting

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