It doesn't matter

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(AN: Hey guys I always wanted to write a story about my favorite vampire Henry Sturges, but with all the other stories and events in my life I have never found the time to finish it until now. I hope it is a good story and I am debating whether I should keep writing maybe you guys could give me some opinions? I would love the feed back! Anyway have a great day and enjoy the story! -LL)

*"Run, Rose!" cried the Doctor through gritted teeth, as he held the large metallic door open. Rose scrambles to her feet running as fast as she could down the corridor, hearing the loud thumps of footsteps behind her. Clutching the plank of wood with some words brunt into the rough surface that she and the Doctor had taking from a display case to her chest. Reaching the end of the hall turning to the right Rose was met by a six foot wooden doll like alien with sharp teeth almost matching ones of a vampire. "Doctor!" screamed Rose as she bounds down the corridor. Turning the corner once more she could see the Doctor's red converses, and blue suit like trousers behind a door which he was struggling to hold up. Sliding on the floor Rose crawled under the heavy door just in time for it to slip from the Doctor's grip. Breathing hard from fear and adrenaline the two smiled before rushing off towards the friendly blue box on the other side of the room. "Did you get it Ro__"*

The loud crack of thunder rang throughout the flat making you drop your book. Looking around frantically you are faced with an empty flat: with a roaring thunder storm just outside the flat walls. Sighing from the jump scare you look at your watch, "Crap, how long have I been reading this?" You thought to yourself picking up your new book, setting it on the recliner you were lounging on. Another crack of lightning crashes through the sky, making you shiver as you make your way towards the back to your bedroom. "Nasty storm..." you thought crawling into bed not caring really of what you are wearing at the time. Sunlight peaked through your small bedroom window, forcing your body to awake from it's deep sleep. Standing up you saunter out to the kitchen make yourself a cup of water. Placing the cup on the bar you pull your arms up stretching your muscles out. Soothing pleasure raced through your back and arms making your smile as you slowly put your arms down. Once you were standing up straight two hands came up behind you one grabs onto your right arm twisting it back behind your back. The other clamps over your mouth, making you struggle as a sharp sensation on your neck causes your knees buckle. Looking up at your attacker the only thing you see is the glossy white fang colored red from your blood and two big black eyes.

Waking up a second time and last time my muscles jumped pushing my body off the stone wall I was resting on. Landing on the soft ground behind the cold stone breathing heavy I clutch my chest and neck in fright. "Are you alright miss?" asked a slight British accented voice. Looking up I am met with a pair of dark sunglasses that covered two brown eyes from all sides. "Uh yeah I just had nightmare." The stranger hops off his horse with such ease displaying a great deal of strength. He was a handsome bloke with messily stylish black hair that brought out the flecks of gold in his brown eyes. His skin had a palish tint to it as he leans over the stone wall taking off his black sunglasses stashing them into his suit jacket. Reaching out a hand towards me he pulls me over the wall with one motion again showing off his absurd amount of strength. "Henry...Henry Sturges" Introduced Henry still holding my hand kissing the top of my knuckles with a grin as his dark eyes explored my figure. A dark shade of red flushed my cheeks as Henry's kiss sent electric shock throughout my body. "Kaitlyn Kline," I replied back with a small smile unable to take my hazel eyes off his brown ones.

Henry's grin never left his face as he looks down at the ground below our feet then back up to my eyes. "Well what is a beautiful young lady like yourself doing out here all alone." "Oh actually I got bucked off my horse just up the road." I explained pointing up the road of which stretched throughout the country side. "I chased after him for god knows how long, but couldn't catch him...stubborn horse." I murdered after explaining. Henry chuckles at my story, "and the nightmare?" "I just happened to fall asleep here on this wall thinking of what to do next." Again Henry chuckles at the image of Kaitlyn chasing after her horse. Turning towards his horse he pulls the black steed over to Kaitlyn before speaking. "Want a lift then? I'm heading up town I'm guessing that's where you were heading." I nod in agreement "If it wouldn't be any trouble." Smiling Henry stepped forward holding out his hands in the motion to lift me, but stops inches from my waist. "May I?" He asks looking up into my eyes. Nodding giving Henry permission, he picks me up swiftly placing me on the back of his black horse. Mounting the horse himself I wrap my arms around his torso as he kicks the horse forward.

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