Belonging To The Hunter

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"You did not." exclaimed Abraham as you jumped off your dark brown horse tying him to a tree next to Abraham's. "What if I did?" Asked Kaitlyn blushing unnecessarily fidgeting with her saddle not wanting to look at her best friend. "Then I would say that you are very brave or very stupid." picking up his silver coated axe smiling his usual grin. "What I love him would have done the same thing if it was Mary Todd." Abraham's eyes grew ten times their normal size with his jaw hanging open. "You almost died or worst almost bit!" screamed Abraham pointing his axe at me. I stared at the edge of the axe hoving inches away from my forehead crossing my arms. "Abraham Lincoln, do you remember the last time you almost landed that axe of yours on this?" I asked with a smirk motioning around my face. Abraham's frown fades quickly replaced with a smile pulling the axe away placing the head on the ground leaning on the handle. "I don't remember." "Really?" asked a voice out of nowhere soon followed by the sound of Abe crashing into a tree. "I believed that happened." Chuckled Henry wrapping a arm around my shoulders. "Hello love!" Shouted Henry placing a kiss on my lips smiling.

A groan echoed from the tree ruins as Abe's axe was thrown to our feet with a heavy thud in the soft dirt. "Nice to see you two Henry." Grunted Abraham as he climbed out of the stump brushing the splinters off his long black coat. "You are invited to a ball Abraham." States Henry taking a white invite out of his trouser pocket. Abraham's eyes grew at the sight of the invite as he picks up his axe scanning his eyes over the invite. Henry wraps his arms around my shoulders placing small kisses on the side of my neck smiling. "Henry this also says that I can take a plus one..." exclaims Abe looking at me pointing the invite at me. Henry's eyes grew dangerously dark as he looks up from my neck tightening his grip on me. "No Abraham, I need her to help me look for Adam's plans...two people can cover the plantation much quicker and more efficient." Abraham's temper spiked at his words, he knew how much I meant to Henry, but he works at his best with a partner this could be his chance to get destroy Adam and the other vampires that took his son. "Kaitlyn is an excellent hunter...we could get rid of Adam and his men before the war could ever kill anymore boys!" "Abraham taking them all out is not possible!" Screams Henry trying his keep calm. I gently run my hands against Henry's trembling hands pressing a kiss against his wrist. "Abe you are amazing without can handle all of the vampires as you always have."

Abraham's shoulders slumped at my words as he over looks the steaming vampire on my shoulders straight in my eyes. "Yes but think about it Kaitlyn, we would get rid of all of them once and for all tonight...we could fix this for Willy's sake." I narrow my eyes in pity. "Abe there are millions of vampires, just killing their leader wouldn't solve's best to take it slow and find out just what his plans are against the union...for Willy and the country." Sorrow and disbelief filled Abraham's face and eyes as he gripped his axe handle became so tight that his knuckles grew white. "Fine...I'll see you two later." He says jumping on his horse riding back to town probably back to the white house. The woods around us grew quiet as I stood in Henry's arms. Slowly he releases me from his iron grip turning towards a tree punching it with a furious scream. The base of the tree exploded in splinters making it fall to the ground before us. "Are you going to be ok love?" I asked slowly walking up to Henry who was holding his head in anger and fear breathing heavy. I place my hands on his shoulders to only retract them quickly from the violent shake coming from the British vampire. "I....can't..." he began clutching his arms to to his chest not daring to look at me. The blue veins showed vividly on his pale face and neck stretched towards his black eyes behind the dark sunglasses. "It's ok..." I whispered placing my hand on his shoulder stepping closer to his side.

Almost like a magnet he clutched to my torso burying his head in the crook of my neck pushing off his special sunglasses. Quickly I grab the glasses, hugging the panicked man. "I can't lose you..." Henry whispers roughly forcing himself not to go wild for his and mine own safety. I run my fingers through his hair holding him close in a attempt to calm the demon inside of him. "Your not going to lose me....I am going to be by your side forever....nothing is going to seperate us..." Henry softly nods in my shoulder still slightly shaking. "Come one we need to get inside." I whisper holding up his sunglasses. Henry licked his lips nervously standing back at bit putting on the glasses as I untied charcoal my horse leading him to Henry. Who jumps up on his back with me in front of him riding back to Washington.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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