Brit's pov
Well since it was 9 and I had to be at Matt's in 3 hours I might as well just stay awake. I'm never really tired even if I haven't had much sleep let alone no sleep at all so I should be fine. But just in case, I'll drink a rockstar.
After being lazy for 30 minutes, it's 9:30am so I drag myself to the shower. I put my phone on the docking station and sing Do my Thang by Miley Cyrus as loud as possible. Then I hear Jack G banging on the wall.
"Shut the hell up!" he shouts.
I just laugh and hit the wall and. Sing louder.
After showering till 10:00, I get out and wrap my body and hair in a towel.
I pick out hollister shorts, a tye dye muscle tank top, a black lace bandeau to wear under it, and my black vans.
I throw my clothes on then I dry and straiten my hair until it's pin strait. Once my hair is done, I do smokey eye makeup. (Like Andrea russet's makeup)
The clock shows 10:45am. I still have an hour and 15 minutes so I grab my penny board, wallet, and phone, and skate to Starbucks and order a cotton candy frapaccino.
When I get back to the hotel, it's 11:15 so I just lay around until 12.
It's finally 12 so I head over to Matt's room and knock on the door.
After about 10 seconds, he answers.
"Hey Brit! You look gorgeous." He says.
"Aw thank you! You don't look half bad yourself!" I say. He's wearing khaki pants, a white 'obey' tank top, and grey vans.
"So what do you want to do today?" He asks, "I was thinking about skating around town then coming back here and going for a swim. Does that sound good to you?" he says.
"It sounds great to me! Let me grab my board real quick!" I say as I jog to my room.
"Alright let's go!" I say.
We skate for about 45 minutes. But I'm not complaining. I'm with Matt and it's gorgeous out today. What more could I ask for?
"Hey Brit I'm getting kinda hungry, do you wanna stop and get something to eat?" he asks.
"Yea sure!" I reply as we skate to the diner.
It's so cool it's like one of those retro 80s diners. I've always wanted to go to one but that don't have them where live.
We sit down and order our food.
"Hey Matt, I never asked you. Why exactly are you here with all the guys?" I ask.
"Well ya see I'm in this thing called Magcon. We're basically a group of viners that go on tour and we're currently touring in Nashville." He says.
"Oh that's cool. I have a vine but I don't really make vines. I might start though. Maybe you could help me." I say.
"I'd love to! Why exactly are you here?" Matt asks.
"Well I told y'all how my parents died. Ever since they died I've kinda been on my own so I decided to take advantage of it and go all over the US. So I'm basically a hermit but I don't care. I love it." I say.
"That's so cool!" Matt says, "so where are you going next?" he asks.
"I'm staying here until the end of next week then I'm going to Orlando, Florida for 2 weeks." I reply.
"Seriously? We're going to Orlando at the end of next week too! Yay I get to spend more time with you!" he says.
"I know right I'm so excited. I've never been to Florida." I say.
We finish eating then skate back to the hotel. When we get there I go and change into my monogrammed black and white chevron bikini top and my solid black bottoms. I throw on a loose t shirt and some athletic shorts. Then, I grab a towel, sunglasses, and flips flops since the pool is outside.
I go to the pool and meet Matt. I look around and only people down here are me, Matt and the guys. As soon as I get there, Matt takes off his tank top and oh my Jesus he's gorgeous.
I sit my towel, phone, and glasses down. Then I take off my shirt, shorts, and flip flops. I turn around to see all the guys stopped in their tracks with the mouths open staring at me.
"Zayummmmmmm bæ!" carter shouts breaking the silence.
When he says that Matt turns and glares at him. I not sure why but whatever.
"Hey guys let's play chicken!" Cam shouts.
We agree and begin. I'm on Matt's shoulders. We're against Carter who's on Aaron's shoulders.
As soon as we start, I immediately push carter off. Then it's us against Hayes who's on Nash's shoulders. Again, I push him strait off. Did I mention that I'm pretty strong?
Next up is Jack J on Jack G. I push him off. And last but not least is Shawn on Cam's shoulders.
I begin to push him but he's a little stronger than the rest. I catch him off guard and he begins to fall backwards but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down with him.
I'm on top of him in the water and he says, "Hey I could get used to this." I just laugh and swim off of him.
I look around and Matt looks mad so I swim to him.
"What's wrong?" I ask him.
He pulls me to the corner and says, "I get jealous easily and when I saw you with Shawn I got jealous. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I think I like you Brit." Matt says.
"Well I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I think I like you too Matt." I say.
"Really?" he asks.
I nod and lean in and we kiss. Then I hear the guys whistling an cheering. I pull away and just laugh.
After swimming until 6pm, I go to my room and change into spandex and my Asphalt Yacht Club sweatshirt(the one in chapter 1) and I throw on some red knee high socks. Then I go to the guys' room to have a movie night.
I'm sitting in between Matt and Shawn. After the first movie, Cam decides to switch it up and put in a scary movie.
And half a movie later I'm sitting my Matt's lap burying my head in his chest with his arms wrapped around me. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.
Hey guys! so I finally updated! I hope y'all like this chapter.

The Boy Downstairs (A Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)
JugendliteraturWhen Brittany goes downstairs in her hotel to see what the loud noise is, she discovers that it's the Magcon boys. What will she do when she falls in love with one of them?