Brit's pov
When we get to the venue, it's pure chaos.
We load out of the limo and we're being pushed and shoved all over by the fans, but I kind of expected that.
Once we get inside, I go to Matt's little booth thingy where the fans meet him at and wait until the fans come in.
10 minutes later, they all come in.
Several fans are giving me dirty looks, but I just smile and let them continue on. Smiles kill your haters. Right?
Some of the fans were very nice as well.
It begins to get stuffy so I go outside to get fresh air when I see a girl about my age sitting on the curb crying.
"What's wrong?" I ask her while sitting beside her.
"I lost my VIP pass to Magcon and they won't let me in," she says without looking up.
"I'm so sorry! I can fix that though, come with me!" I say while pulling her up.
"Oh my gosh, you're Brittany, Matt's girlfriend! I love you so much, you and Matt are so cute together!" she says.
"Aw well thank you!" I say while pulling her through the backstage door.
"Here's you a pass come with me," I say while pulling her out to the boys.
She goes through and meets all of the guys and come back to me.
"Oh my gosh Brittany thank you so much!" she says.
"It was no problem!" I say while pulling her into a hug.
"I never got your name," I say.
"I'm Shelby Anderson," she says.
"Well it's nice to meet you Shelby, would you like to come to our hotel and hang out with the boys and me?" I says.
She just smiles and nods vigorously.
"Also, would you like to come on stage with us?" her reaction is the same.
I drag her into the stage and she sits beside me.
Once the show is over we have this huge 'goodbye Aaliyah' thing because she was only staying for a certain amount of time. After we say goodbye, I grab Shelby and pull her into the limo beside me and we go to the hotel.
"Let's go swimming!" carter says.
"Don't worry you can use one of my swimsuits," I tell Shelby.
Mahogany and I drag her up to our room and I give her a teal bikini that went with her tan complexion perfectly.
Once we get changed, we went to the pool and played volleyball.
We played Queens which is basically 3 on 3 volleyball and the winner continues playing while the losers go off the court and 3 players fill their spots.
Up first was Shelby, Jack Johnson, and me against Jack G., Cam, and Shawn.
The ball was served by Cam. I passed it to Shelby who set it to Jack. Then, Jack spiked it over and it hit the water.
Shelby jumps up and hugs Jack and the guys whistle.
"Get it Johnson!" Matt shouts.
Shelby begins to blush and I whisper in her ear, "Hey don't be embarrassed, they make fun of me and Matt all the time."
She just nods and we go to the other side of the net.
Next we're up against Mahogany, Matt, and Aaron.
Mahogany serves, Shelby passes, jack sets me up, and I spike it towards Matt.
He gets the pass right before it hits the water and the guys cheer.
After the ball goes from their side, then back to ours, then there's, the ball finally drops.
Matt gets out of the water so the next team can come on.
"Dude you just got beat by your girlfriend," Cam says.
"Hey, she's good. If I was gonna be beaten by anyone, I'd want it to be her," he replies.
I look over at him then smile, then at Jack and Shelby.
He's talking to her and she's blushing. Aw.
After playing until midnight, we get out of the pool.
"Matt can you carry me?" I ask while holding my arms out.
"Haha yeah," he says while putting me on his back.
I look behind me and see Shelby on Jack's back and mouth 'get it girl' and she just laughs.
Once we get up to our rooms, Matt sits me down and pulls me in a hug.
"Goodnight babygirl," he says while kissing my forehead.
"Goodnight, I love you," I say while pecking his lips.
"Love you too," he says and we part ways.
I turn around pull Shelby and Mahogany into my room.
I go to the bathroom and change into black nike pro spandex, mint green and white huf socks, and one of Matt's red hoodies then go sit on my bed.
"Shit y'all, I don't have any clothes," Shelby says.
"Here borrow some of mine," I say while throwing her a pair and spandex and a t-shirt.
She changes then sit back down.
"So Shelby, tell us a little about you," Mahogany says.
"Ok well, I'm 18. I've graduated and I live on my own. In fact a live like 30 minutes away from here. I love sports. I'm an only child and yeah that's about it!" she says.
"Cool! Well since we don't have a show tomorrow and you'll probably be staying with us for a while, do you want me and Mahogany to go with you to get clothes tomorrow?" I say.
"Yeah that'd be great!" she says.
"So, you and Jack J.," I say.
She immediately turns red and grins.
"I see the way he looks at you. I think he likes you," Mahogany says.
"Really?" Shelby says while mahogany nods.
"Well since you live on your own, would you like to go to Orlando with us? We have an extra spot and I'm sure the guys would love you tagging along!" I say.
"Oh my gosh I'd love to!" she says.
"Ok well we'll get your clothes tomorrow. We leave for Orlando in 3 days and we're staying there for 2 weeks. I was thinking we could go shopping tomorrow too," I say and they both agree.
"Alright so it's set! What time do y'all wanna get up in the morning?" I ask.
"I guess around 9?" Mahogany says.
I nod while setting my alarm.
"Alright goodnight y'all," I say while turning out the lights and crawling into bed.
Hey guys! sorry for not updating. I've been really busy lol. Anyway remember comments/votes are appreciated:) please comment your opinions on the story and any ideas of what I could add!

The Boy Downstairs (A Matthew Espinosa Fanfic)
Roman pour AdolescentsWhen Brittany goes downstairs in her hotel to see what the loud noise is, she discovers that it's the Magcon boys. What will she do when she falls in love with one of them?