Chapter 1: Crying in the sleep

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4 month later

(Y/n) POV:

After I could come home from the hospital my normal and boring life changed to a living nightmare. Every night crying myself to sleep and waking up screaming in the middle of the night because of the dreams about Jimin and what he did to me. Being scared of going out because every moment something bad could happen. Locking myself into my room and cry about the scars which Jimin left on my body.

And if this wouldn't be enough Jungkook left me too

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And if this wouldn't be enough Jungkook left me too. I was missing him so much. Every time when I wake up crying in my bed I could only think about him. I wanted him to be by my side and tell me that everything is alright and that nobody can ever hurt me again but he wasn't there. I did not eat much and because of all the stress and crying I lost almost 8 kg. I looked so good before but now I looked sick.

Well I was sick

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Well I was sick. I was sick of everything around me. I just wanted to die. The only thing what kept me alive was my best friend Maggy. She was so happy when I came back home. She thought she would never see me again. I can tell her everything. She is always by my side and helps me find back into the happiness. One time I was so upset. I just wanted to kill myself and almost did it but Maggy stopped me. She grabbed the knife out of my hand which I already placed to my wrist. We both started crying and hugged each other. I am really happy to have a friend like her on my side. I tried to go to school 2 months after the nightmare but I couldn't focus and was all the time tired, upset or just locked in the toilet and cried. My dad told me I could stay at home as long as I want to but if I take to long than I will have to have a home teacher. Well at least I didn't have to leave the house. Maggy is most of the time at my house. After school she mostly comes over. We are doing her homework together and she tells me about the school and how upset everybody is because of me. To be honest I just couldn't care less. Let me just live my life alone between the 4 walls. That day she was at my house as well and I am really glad about it because if she wouldn't be there than I wouldn't be here...

"I am sick of doing homeworks." Maggy threw the book on my bed and leant against my backrest.
"Let's watch a movie." She smiled and grabbed the remote control.
"Okay. What do you wanna watch?" I asked and sat up in my bed.
"Let's look first if we can find something interesting in the TV. If not that we can go on to netflix." She smiled and turned the TV on. I forced a smile and glanced at the screen.
"Big news!!" The reporter in the TV talked. She looked a little scared.
"The at time most wanted criminal broke out of the Denipsen prison." And now I understand why she was so scared. Good thing that I never go out so this person is not a big problem for me now.
"He killed families and kidnapped the daughters. He forced the girls to work for him in a sexual way." My jaw dropped when I heared this.
"This person is called..." No...please can't be.
"Park Jimin ." My eyes were so big when I watched the TV. I couldn't talk or move. Maggy turned the TV off and looked over to me scared as well.
"I am so sorry you had to see this..." She whispered almost crying. I had no words.
"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" She asked. I looked over to her and saw that she was really worried. I tried my best and finally words came out of my mouth.
"He will come for me!? He will kill me!?!... I have to do it before he can." I started panicking and crying.
"NO! Are you crazy!? You won't do anything!" She yelled and grabbed my shoulder. I was still crying.
"Look. He won't come for you. He doesn't even know where you live. And I am sure that for him it's just normal to make a mess out of someone else's life. He is finnish with you now he needs new victims." She held my hand and looked deep in my eyes while trying to calm me.
" must be right." I tried to think straight and smile at her but it was really hard. I just didn't feel like smiling. Well I didn't felt like smiling for 4 month now. If she would have been there that night than I am sure that I would have done something stupid.
"I will stay with you tonight, alright?" She smiled and hugged me.

 "I will stay with you tonight, alright?" She smiled and hugged me

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My dad was at work so I was happy that she would stay with me. I really hoped that she was right and Jimin won't come for me. I can't take him hurting me again. Not only outside. Also inside. I wish Jungkook would be with me. He would protect me and I could finally sleep without being scared. Suddenly Maggy put her hand on my shoulder.
"You are thinking about him, right?" I told her everything about Jungkook so she knew what was going on in my head.
"Yeah...I just...wish he would come back." I faced the flour trying to hide my sad face.
"I don't even know him but...I felt something between us. I know I am crazy." I put my face in my hands and tried my best not to cry.
"No no. You are not crazy! I am sure he had his reasons to leave." She placed her hand on my back and pat it. I could clearly hear on her voice that she did not believe what she said but at the moment it was enough for me to calm a little bit down.
"Come on. Let us go to sleep and tomorrow you will forget everything you saw on the TV." Maggy smiled and pulled me down on my bed so that I was laying. She turned the light off and laid down as well.
"Everything will be fine (Y/n)." She stroked my face and than closed her eyes and fell asleep. I really wish everything would be fine. I don't want to live like this anymore. I want my old life back. Please someone, make it come back.

First chapter!!! 😄
Hope you liked it because I had a lot of fun writing it. Don't forget to vote and comment if you like the new book.
See you soon!!! ^^

See you soon!!! ^^💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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