Chapter 7: Be kind to me

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Jungkook POV:

...I nodded to Namjoon and then stood up and left the room. Suga was waiting outside.
"So?" He asked curious.
"I will tell you in the car." I told him and made my way out of the prison. Suga and the security were following behind. When we were finally out we sat really fast in the car and drove away. I told Suga to drive because Ihad to do something on my phone.
"What the hell are you doing and what did Namjoon tell you?!" He asked already pissed.
"We will take him out." I said still looking at my phone.
"Who? Where?! Can you be a little bit clear!" Suga kept asking questions.
"Namjoon!" Now I was pissed too.
"What? But how boy?" He asked. I could hear on his voice that he didn't really believe that we could do it.
"Believe me. We have a plan." I sounded really serious. I will do everything to get her back but this time I won't leave her.
"Just drive to the nearest parking place and I will explain everything." Suga rolled his eyes but did how I told him to.
After about 15 minutes the car suddenly stopped.
"Okey, enough. What is going on Jungkook!?" Suga screamed at me mad as hell.
"Alright, alright." I put my phone away and turned towards him.
"Well here is the plan. Namjoon will make 2 or 3 prisoners fight and while the guards try to separate them he will sneak in the bibliothek and we will wait there to take him out." I explained him but he just sent me an "are you stupid?" look.

" I explained him but he just sent me an "are you stupid?" look

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"That's dumb. There are grilles. Everywhere! And what is about the cameras? They will see us and catch us in a minute." He yelled.
"I know. That's why I was on my phone. Namjoon told me about this person. I just have to find him." I answered and continued with my phone.

"And what is the name of this mysterious person?" He asked annoyed and folded his arms

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"And what is the name of this mysterious person?" He asked annoyed and folded his arms.
"Namjoon didn't knew his real name but we can find him under the codename 'V' "...

(Y/n) POV:

I was moving around in the chair trying to get rid of the ropes. I didn't even care about the pain. The ropes were so tight and strong. Even when Irubbed it against the chair it wouldn't rip. I couldn't see anything. It felt like I had a blindfold on but it was just because of the crying. By now I stopped crying but my eyes were still puffy. It felt like days had past. I had no idea how long I have been here. My mouth was dry and I was hungry. I was still trying to rip the ropes when suddenly the door opened. I looked up and of course saw nothing. I hate that I can't clean my eyes. I heard someone walking closer. I weekly opened my mouth trying to say something.
"W-who is there?" I asked and prayed that it's not R.
"It's me. Don't talk." Jimin said and I heard that he was already kneeling before me. Suddenly I felt something pressed against my eyes. Once again a wet towel. He wiped the dried tears away and finally I could open my eyes. He had a glass of water and a chocolate bar in his hands. He brought the water glass to my mouth.
"Drink." He said and I did so. I drank the whole glass. I was so thirsty.
"Alright, take it slow." He said and placed the glass on the flour. I wish he would be always kind. Well kind in his own way. It would be much better and easier. He opened the chocolate and broke a small piece off. Then he moved it to my mouth and I opened it. This little piece of chocolate tasted like heaven. It must be because I haven't eaten for a long time. He brought another peace to my mouth and I ate it. Swallowing was hard but I didn't care. The hunger was killing me. He gave me also the last piece of chocolate. I felt a little bit better with something in my stomach but I was still very hungry.
"Jimin I-I have to go to the toilet." I said weakly and faced the ground. I felt him staring at me for a moment and then he stood up. I thought he would leave but no. He walked behind me and started to untie the ropes. First on my elbows and then on my wrist. When they were finally free they fell to my side. It hurt. It really does but it's much better than before. I tried to put my hands on my lap but they wouldn't move. It felt like they are death. Jimin walked back before me and knelt down once again. He also untied my legs which hurt just as much as my arms. Must be because I fell on my knees when R dropped me.
"Stand up." Jimin told me and I tried to move but it did not work. He leant down and grabbed my arm to pull me up. It was hard to stand strait. He was about to grab the glass and the moment he let go of me, I fell to the ground. I tried my best to pull myself up but it felt like I still had the ropes around my body. Suddenly 2 strong arms lifted me up from the flour.
"I will carry you but don't even try to hit or fight against me in any way." He said with a cold and deep voice. I looked up at him. He wasn't looking at me.
"I-I can't really move..." I said and tipped my two index fingers together. He looked down at me still with a really cold face.

The fear started to grow and I was scared that he would hurt me because I talked back to him

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The fear started to grow and I was scared that he would hurt me because I talked back to him. But he was just staring for a moment and then started walking. Surprising. I was scared that R would see us and do something bad to me. He was like a monster. A 2 meter high monster. Jimin is strong but he has no chance against R. Man I was scared.

That's it for today ;-; . Hope you liked it ^^.... OMG V!!! There will be a lot of exciting parts with V so stay active!! Thanks for reading!👍

 OMG V!!! There will be a lot of exciting parts with V so stay active!! Thanks for reading!👍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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