Bright and Dark

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As many of you know I write storie wait what? No?!?! Just kidding you all know that I write thats why you are here! There is many bright and darks sides to writing so just considring the following now this is just my person experiance so ya!

Bright: People give awesome feed back and it is fun to express yourself!

Dark: People correct all your mistakes.

Bright: Helps you in writing and English classes.

Dark: Is time consuming.

Bright: Making new friends and being able to talk to them.

Dark: Having to edit the chapters which I don't do anymore lol.

Bright: Watching the story grow into a big book!

Dark: Writers block.

Bright: Peaceful and is a good stress reducer sorry for spelling!

Consider This:

Yes people will see the book!

Update as much as possible!

Make frequante updates.

Prepare for haters it happens.

Have a support system so you keep going!

People are going to want to know more about you!

Be open to anything

Write down ideas.

Try to edit again I don't

Respond to comments!

Keep in mind some one will read it some one will like it don't give up stick with it!

Hope you all enjoy!

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