~Day 2

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*Yn's dream*

"Yoo Aiyanaa whennn you gonna bee minesssssss.Im tiredd of you dubbing mee deadass."

"I'll stop dubbing you when you pay for my college tuition and dorm fees Jeremy "she giggless

"Ohh wrdd its that easy"smirkes the young boy

"Boy please dont break ya mommy and daddys bank"

"Girlll bye"as he playfully mushes her face"That aint nothing in MY bank accounts

"Yeah yeah"

"You best stop doubting me i can give you the world and then some"he laughs as he carries her bag

"Well you can start by taking me to In-and-Out and drive me home"

"Aii cool "he unlocks his BMW add opens the door for her and quickly makes it to the drives seat and they head off.

*dream switchess to a year later*

"Babyy can you hurry upp we gon be late nah"

"Boy you should know by now beaty takes timeeee but Im done now"as she walks to meet him

"DAYYYUUUMMMMMMMM"explainss Jeremy

She giggles and they walk to his Land Rover and pull off

"Damnn boo this resturant iss amazing and so gorgeous you know you dont gotta do this for me right ill be happy at home in a t-shirt with food and Netflix"

"Girll byeee and its our two year anniversary so you deserve itt"

"Pause 2 years its been a year"

"Ohh yeahh we was "together" in my head for a year cuz you was straight playing a nigga"

"Boy you know my mama crazy and my dad insane he will throw your little scrawny ass back to Guinea " Aiyana jokes

"First im not scrawny and this dick sure as hell aintt,Second your dad loves me and so does your uncles ,third your mom is warming up to me ,and fourth is this dick aint scrawny"

"Imm deadd, but my mom likes you she just know how them Guineans work"

"I keep tryna explain to her im not off the boat i was born there but as soon my eyes opened i was in Cali"

"Fresh off the boat headass"

"You gon pay for that lata"

"Mhm Daddy"

He smirkes and sips his wine

*Vision fades and transitions into a dark bedroom*

Aiyana and Jeremy start kissing as he tears off her clothes .They make there way to the bedroom so focused on eachothers chocolate bodies that neither was focused on condoms ,birthcontrol,or even turning on the lights .

*Vision blurrs ,then appears*

Aiyana is sitting on her bed reading college emails .She clicks on the one titled Spellman and holds in her breath and clicks on it and waits

The email burts into multi colored streams and confetti and a voice says"Ms.August you are accepted to Spellman College on out George Washington Carver Scholarshipp ,all information will be titles below again Congratulations and keep progressing"

She screams and jumps for joy and suddenly gets light headed and runs to the bathroom and throws up

"It was prolly Uncle Rays Fried Pickles Ughh "

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