Chapter 5

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(Sonic's P.O.V)

I walk down unknown streets and let my mind wander. 

I'm hungry.

 Wonder what I will do tomorrow. 

How's my family?

I stop in my tracks the Inn now in my sight a few blocks away. I shake my head getting rid of the thought and smell something delicious. I turn my head trying to locate where the smell is coming from. Finally I spot it. It seems to be some sort of restaurant that sells sandwiches and burgers of all kinds. I lick my lips at the thought of a burger and fries. "Mmm~" I mutter in hunger as I walk over to the joint named 'Grillz.' I walk in ordering a double cheese burger with a side of fries and a Fizz {A/n: Basically like a Fanta}. Once done ordering at the front counter, I walk to the back of the restaurant sitting at an empty booth with no one around. On the other side of the the room there was a hedgehog family of three, seemed like two parents and a new born child. The baby seemed to be a girl, with lavender colored fur and violet bangs in between her eyes, sleeping peacefully.

I stared somewhat longingly at the family, if only everyone could have that, I stated within my own thoughts. I shrugged it off as a waitress came up to me handing me my food. She batted her eyelashes and smirked evilly, "Enjoy your food hun~" she said with a wink before finally leaving. If I wasn't starving right now, I would've completely lost my appetite but I only rolled my eyes in disgust and started to dig in to the meal that smelled heavenly.

Thoughts and memories flashed through my mind as I slowly ate my food. Mostly memories, ones I didn't really want to remember but once something is in your head it's kind of hard to get it out.


I sit in front of the TV flipping through channels but not finding anything interesting to watch. My bedroom door then burst open, my father on the other side holding a baseball bat. I look him over. Raggedy clothes and blood shot eyes as usual. I shake my head and turn my attention back to the television. I hear my father take huge strides in my direction, obviously able to see he has almost no balance what-so-ever. Before I can react, he pulls out his bat and swings.

The television breaks, wires and sparks clearly visible. I role my eyes and look at him getting sick and tired of the same thing everyday. He looks at me like how an enraged bull would look at a room full of red. Breathing heavily, he finally manages to speak "Sonic *pant pant* why in the world did you break your own darn TV" he nearly growls. 

I look at him with an expressionless face that soon turns into a scowl, I felt like I would blow any second now. "Your never home anymore Sonic, where's my money" he says a bit louder than before. I just continue to stare at him my anger building up inside me like a ticking bomb. "SONIC YOU LOUSY PIECE OF TRASH GIVE ME MY MONEY YOU! YOUR A USELESS AND UNGRATEFUL SON AND I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!" Once again he pulls the bat back getting ready for a swing. Seconds later the bat comes flying in my direction.

The swing was too fast and I was hit in the gut repeatedly until I was positive one of my organs were probably bleeding internally. For the rest of the night I was beat with that bat. For the rest of the night I was beat by my drunken father..


I stuff the last bit of food I have into my mouth and head to the washroom. Once washing my hands from the meal I walk out of the restroom and grab my drink that I left on the table. I take a sip as I walk to the front counter, ordering the guys some food so they can behave for the night. Once the food arrives in a huge to-go bag I walk out the restaurant and make my way back to Inn.

Soon arriving a walk into the lobby with an expressionless face and make my way toward the elevators. I get in, press the buttons to close the doors and then hit the button sending me to the proper floor. Elevator music starts up and I stare off into space daydreaming about.. Stuff. I then notice the doors open in front of me and I'm on the proper floor so I exit the elevator and walk down the hall and to the room we are currently staying in. Too lazy to do anything I kick the door loud enough for the guys to hear. The door clicks a few times and then opens slowly revealing the yellow twin tailed fox himself. He looks at me with tired eyes then notices I have food, before I can even think the bag is snatched from my hands and Tails yells "HE BROUGHT FOOD!" The guys come running out of where ever they were and charge at him ripping the bag apart to get the treasure inside. I role my eyes and close the door behind me, this is my everyday life, I think to myself hearing the door 'click.'

(Amy's P.O.V)

I feel cold air brush against my cheek and my eyes flutter open. I look around and realize I'm in my bedroom. I reach over my nightstand and unplug my phone from the charger, unlocking it and checking the time afterward. I realize how it's nearly 9:30 and I don't have work until two I groan in annoyance. I toss and turn trying to fall back into a beautiful slumber but to no avail. I groan in annoyance once more before groggily getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

I open my curtains letting in some natural light before wandering into my bathroom. After doing my business and taking a nice warm shower I change into some black soccer shorts and a black baggy t-shirt. I walk into the kitchen a towel still wrapped around my wet hair and decide what to do for breakfast. I finally decide to have a mixed berry parfait with granola and a glass of water because I don't think it's healthy to mix yogurt with juice or milk so best to be on the safe side. I finish drying my hair and comb it through before throwing it into a messy bun atop my head. With a spoon hanging from my mouth and a parfait in my hand I make my way toward my living room, plopping myself on the couch.

I turn on the television and decide to watch some National Geographic while enjoying my delicious breakfast. The berries, yogurt and granola mixing perfectly. I smile as I watch animals in their natural habitats playing happily with one another on the screen in front of me. As the t.v goes on commercial I hop up and throw out my empty parfait cup and throw my spoon in the sink. I look over at the time being displayed above my stove and it reads 9:52. 

Nearly ten and I don't have work until two, might as well kill some time.

 I head to my room deciding to change into dark grey skinny jeans a black work shirt and hoodie to go over it. I tidy my hair up a bit and grab my phone, my set of keys and my black satchel. I walk out my house and press a button on my key chain, hearing a click and a slow rumbling afterward. I look over at my garage and smile, being able to see my car bit by bit as the door rises. Once the door of the garage has stopped I walk over to my silver Jeep and unlock the drivers door, opening it and sliding in. I rub my hands on the leather seats with a stupid grin plastered on my face saying "It's been a while" to the car that doesn't and hopefully will never respond. I make sure my stuff is situated before putting my keys into the ignition and hearing my car purr to life.

I put put my car into the proper gear before rolling out of my driveway and into the open road. I once again click the button attached to my set of keys and watch as the garage door closes slowly in my rear view mirror. I look at the road ahead "To the mall we.." I pause dramatically before saying the final word in a higher octave "Go~!" I smile goofy to myself before cruising down the street and heading toward the towering buildings of down town.


Hey guys. Sorry for the wait but school got in the way and then I forgot where I was in the story but I tried and I'm sorry this chapter boring and is shorter then the previous ones but there should be a following chapter coming out soon. On that note, until next time, Cya!

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