Edd and Tom's - Chapter two

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// Heyo! This part hurt my hand to write.

Please enjoy! \\

I was in the zone.

I fried garlic into butter to make crisp perfection, the savory aroma forever wafting through the kitchen. The heat from the flames lighted up my eyes, my face, brought spark to my movement, and turned the icy cold kitchen burning hot.

The garlic came to its crucial light golden brown color, the perfect amount of time on the pan as to not taste overdone, but not raw. I killed the flame, then added a good amount of basil to the pan, sprinkling it evenly throughout the mixture. I carefully dropped bits of lemon juice throughout it, my arm moving in a perfect 360 degrees.

Finally, I lightly seasoned the concoction with some pepper and salt, and spooned it onto the, already cooked, bass. The meal was finished, and ready for consumption.

I stopped for a moment, staring down at my creation... Whoever was going to eat this was going to piss themselves at the pure beauty of this thing.

I dinged the bell on the high counter top, placing my masterpiece on the wooden surface. Tom scurried over, and met my eyes.

"Rough dish?" He asked.

I frowned, "What?"

He did this adorable half-smile thing he always does, then spoke, "You're sweating."

"Oh," I grinned, feeling the heat rush to my face, "Fire's hot, you know."

"Sure is," And with that, he took the dish, and left.

May came around just as he went. She peeked in on me through the opening of the kitchen to the outside world.

"I think that's the last of 'em," She said, in her dreary, emo, teenager-y, way.

"Good," I wiped my brow, "Start closing up."

May wasted no time, and quickly ran off, eager to finally be done with her shift and go home to do whatever it is edgy teens do. I watched her go, silently laughing at her odd waddle-run as she went.

I turned from the grill, and untied my dirty, green, apron. It was darkly stained from years of various sauce spills, ingredients, and the occasional dropped fish. It had, truly, been through a lot.

I made my way out of the kitchen, and into the back room, where my backpack leaned against the wall. I stuffed my apron inside of it, despite it almost being full, and the zipper clearly only barely keeping it together. I lifted it, shrugged it onto my shoulders, and stepped out into the rest of the restaurant.

Tom and May were busily cleaning tables and seats, while Sophie, a local journalist, was halfway through with eating her meal. To my dismay, she had not wet her pants due to it's astounding quality.

I walked over to Tom, who was focused on cleaning one stain in particular that, simply, just didn't want to come off of the counter.

I jolted into action, grabbing his shoulders in one, swift, perfect, motion, leaned in close to his hair, and whispered,


He yelped, whipping around only to witness my momentously smug expression. His cute little half-smirk lit up his face.

"Didn't get me. I wasn't scared," He lied.

I scoffed, "You screamed. Really loud. Probably scared Sophie."

"Hey," He raised his eyebrows, "It was just a form of communication."


"When you think about it, aren't all verbal methods of communication just screaming?"

"Oh, shut up."

I pulled him in for a kiss, our lips meeting gently for the first time since that morning. He tasted like pineapple, as he always does.

The doorbell chimed behind him, and I pulled away. We shared a moment of eye contact, his usual, charming, half-smirk, having blossomed into a full-fledged, actual smile.

I leaned over to my right, seeing past his head, to see who had just come in. Tord stood in the doorway, flushed and with the shadow of a grin across his face. I waved him over.

"Tord!" I called, "Did you bring fish?"

He walked over to the two of us before answering. Couldn't be bothered to project, I suppose.

"About that," His Norwegian accent was as thick as ever, "The, ah, fishing rod got pulled right under."

I raised my eyebrows. He took a hand through his hair.

"I don't believe it."

"Well, you might wanna try to, because that's what happened."

I crossed my arms, mocking disbelief on my face.

"Anyway," He said, clearly changing the subject, "I met someone today. He's from out of town."

"Hmm. What's his name?"

"Matt. He's gorgeous, too. Stunning. It's like his face is comprised of all the hot guys in the world."

I smirked, getting ready to unleash my gay.

"So, he looks like Tom?"

Tord, however, saw this coming, "Not even close."

They had a shared moment of pure hatred radiating off each other. I cleared my throat.

"Well, we should get going," I held out my hand for Tom, "Shall we, my lovey-dovey, cuddle-bear, Tom-Tom?"

Tom sighed, never missing a beat, "Of course, my sweetie-weetie-cutie-pie."

Tord gagged.

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