"Oh Come On"

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Blurry gray eyes open to see rain pounding on the window near the headboard of the bed. Mind still fogged with sleep owner of said gray eyes start to realize it's still dark out. Searching out the dim red glow of an alarm clock in the darkness of the room it was easy to spot. Reading the clock quickly the adolescent let out a groan.

'4:26, who in their right mind manages to wake up at this ungodly hour of the morning', the girl thought.

Know that trying to catch up with sleep was a lost cause. Throwing the covers off their body to reveal a voluptuous figure. Clad in only black cat underwear and a tank top with a gold 'purr-fect' printed in bold across the front. Swinging her slightly tanned legs off the side of the queen sized bed and standing to stretch. She soon makes it to a door on the far side of the room.

Opening the door she flicks on a switch and the decent sized area lights up to show a walk in closet.  Rummaging around she grabs dark blue ripped up jeans with a dark gray form fitting tank top and a red plaid shirt along with matching red Converses to complete the look.

Once she gathered all she needed she walked to the bathroom down the hall from her bedroom door. Stepping in to the spacious modern room she put her things down on the small table to her right. Turning the opposite way of the table she walked over to the two sinks that occupied the marble counter.

Stifling a yawn with her hand she made a blind grab for the cup contains a toothbrush and toothpaste. Starting her morning process of oral hygiene she turns the tap to allow water flow to wash away the spit once she's done.

Raising her head from the sink to look at the long rectangular mirror for guidance she grabs a scrunchy to tie her curly brown hair up in a messy bun.

Not bothering to rush knowing that she had enough time to take a long shower she turns the tap  and watches the water pour out of the shower head. Waiting till she deemed it warm enough she strips off her remaining articles of clothing and steps in. With the quote of the house and the warmth of the water she allows herself to release a blissful sigh. Grabbing the bottle of soap she squeezes a decent amount om to her hand and proceeds to scrub at her body until she deems herself clean.

“MIssion accomplished” she says to herself smiling.

Now finished with that task she stands up straight to allow the water to cascade down her body in order to remove the excess soap. Releasing another sigh as the water relaxes her barely rested muscles. Declining that it's fine she sits down and rested her head on the wall behind her and stretches out her legs.

‘Its fine I have like around roughly 3 hours to make it to school and i'll still be early’ she muses.

Closing her eyes and letting the the sound of warm water hitting her skin to nurse her to sleep once again.

Groggy gray eyes open for the second time that morning. Yawning said owner of those gray eyes comes back to the land of the living. Noticing that she is still in the shower she realizes with a start the it is indeed a friday and she has a essay due today in her english class that  is worth half her grade.

Jumping to her feet and almost falling down in the process she runs out the bathroom to her bedroom. Only to stop and realize that her clothes are still in the bathroom and she ran out with no towel. Turning back around and once again almost falling on her way to the bathroom she grabs her fluffy towel and drys off. Grabbing her clothes off the side table she dressed as quickly as humanly possible and ran to her room the grab the socks that she forgot and by some miracle managing to not trip, slip,or fall this time.  While in her room she decided to check her clock and dared to hoped it would manage to ease her panic but with her luck that wasn't happening.

‘Oh come on can't i catch a break’ her inner voice yells.

7:30 the clock read 7:30 She'll be like it's even make it to school by fourth period. Grabbing her phone off the charger after putting on her shoes and placing it in her back pocket she stormed out of the room and into the kitchen. she grabs her keys off the counter and decided she rather not be hungry on the way there so she makes a way to the refrigerator and searches for a plum to eat on her way to the train.

After finding her breakfast she makes a way to the door before pausing to turn back and grab her bag because she totally forgot that she had an essay due and that essay is written in paper form in her bag not in her locker, not on her laptop, and most definitely not in school. Grabbing her black Mischief Managed Harry Potter slouch backpack off a kitchen chair she leaves the flat before remembering that she has to lock the door.

‘Man something bad is going to happen today I can just feel it’ she sighs as she bites into her plum.

Once past the driveway to her flat she shifts her bag from hanging off her left side to firmly secure with both straps looped around her shoulders. She starts to jog her way to the train station to cut down the commute from the minutes to five. As she pulls up to the station she notices that there are people starting to exit the station. Trading in her jog to a full blown run  she scamppers down the stairs and runs to the Exit door that was open courtesy of a broken lock she runs through it to avoid paying her toll and once again running down some more stairs. Once on the platform she only manages to catch the red lights of the train C thats headed downtown.

‘Oh man I was about to cry if that was my train’ she whines.

Turning her head to look at the opposite side of the platform of the train that goes uptown to the suburban area of the city or as she likes to put it the rich people hood. The train pulls to a stop at the station and once the doors open she steps in. It must be past eight because there are only a few passengers on the train. Well there is nothing she could do about it now shrugging and getting off at her stop.  Walking out the train station she checks the time on her phone and notices its 34 past eight. She decides to run the rest of the way to her high school.

Running past the large arches that infest the school she had straight to the main office to inform Mrs. Lynch the school secretary that she  missed her first two periods of class because of a family emergency which in all actuality is a lie because she just doesn't want to be marked absent for no reason. Thanking the woman she starts to make her way to her third period class she decides to take the long way around the school to chemistry. Taking a sharp corner a bit too quickly she runs into something hard and falls back on her butt. Looking up to see what she ran into she soon realizes her day is about to get so much worse.

Next time on Shaded

“Was that really necessary”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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