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   THE first time I saw someone dance that way I was back in my old neighborhood before my parents' business took off the ground. I'd been walking home from school when I saw them. I was ten at the time.

They stood in a large group and at first I thought they were a gang, common in our area, until I heard the music. There was an old boombox balanced on the fence behind them and they were standing in a semi circle around a flattened refrigerator box.

Standing back in the shadows I watched with interest as each man took his turn in the center of the circle showing his moves to his friends. The way their bodies moved with the music caught my eyes and held me captive until I was torn from my show by a strong hand on my shoulder.

I was lifted into the air by my jacket and I flung my arms and legs wildly, trying to get free. The man who had me by the hood obviously belonged to the group, I could tell from his similar attire. They all wore tight green tank tops, baggy jeans, and gray hoodies.

"Yo D? Who that you got there?" One of them yelled as they all stopped dead in their tracks. All eyes were on me as the one they called D carried me to the rest of the men and dropped me right in the center of their circle.

The gap we just came through closed instantly and I was left staring up at the seven tall, highly muscular men who were just dancing  before but were now completely stoic and I was shaking with fear.

"What's your name?" The obvious leader of the group demanded.

"S-S-S-Samantha." I stuttered out. My eyes darted restlessly back and forth in between all of them. One of the men made eye contact with me and I saw them soften, even if it was infinitesmal.

"Hey, JoJo she's just a kid. Let her go man," the man tapped "JoJo" on the shoulder as he spoke and my heart leaped at the thought of getting home.

"Let her go?" JoJo said incredulously. "Let her go? Jeez Chase, did you even stop to think that maybe, just maybe The Signs sent her down here to spy on us?" The look JoJo had on his face made my blood run cold and all thought of getting home soon slipped from my mind. "Who sent you?" JoJo was suddenly very close to my face.

"N-No one." I managed to stutter out. My eyes still never ceased in their journey between each man.

"Don't lie to me! I know someone sent you!" He grabbed my messenger bag from my shoulder and ripped the bag open and dug through my homework and textbooks. "There's nothing in here..." he mumbeled to himself. "Why are you here?" he asked in a much more reasonable tone.

"I-I heard the music and I saw you dancing. I'm sorry but I couldn't help but watch, it was amazing what you were doing."

D, the one who grabbed me, was suddenly in my face and JoJo was standing over his shoulder. "You swear you're not a spy." The traces of a smile lurked around the edges of his lips and I nodded my head eagerly. D smirked to JoJo before turning his attention back to me. "Do you want to be?"

And that is how I, Samantha Gates, got my start on The Streets.


Here is the prologue too my new story. Please give me your feedback and what you think. Any errors that you find please bring them to my attention in a kindly manner and I will deal with them as soon as I can. Any constructive criticism will be welcomed as well. And this chapter is dedicated to iiLoveSMILING for making me that absolutely stunning cover!

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

♥ P.H.

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