Fated 2...

197 29 18

...you got a fast car. I want a ticket to anywhere.
Maybe we'll make a deal. Maybe, together, we can go somewhere. Any place is better. Started from zero, got nothing to lose.
Maybe we'll make something, me, myself, I got nothing to prove.
You got a fast car. Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We gotta make a decision. Leave tonight or live and die this way...
- Fast car

Gray's POV...

I WOKE UP to the cool breeze that blew in through the car window from the left side, which was brought down by my grandmother who held me tightly to herself.

I saw that the road we were on was in the midst of a dark green and thick forest. The road was a straight one, long and winding through the tall trees, that only let in wisps of sunlight through their thick branches and dense forest. I looked up at my grandmother and smiled and received one back. I turned towards the front of the car to look at my mother who watched the whole exchange take place from the rear view mirror and we exchanged smiles too.
Soon, I remembered what happened last night and thought to myself,

Good riddance.

"Grandma?". I called the woman who held me tight.

"Yes, darling? Did you have a nice sleep?". She asked looking down at me with smiling eyes.

I looked around the crammed up car and answered. "As much as I would like to say yes to that,...no, grandma. You practically squeezed me while I slept. No wonder I had dreamt a little of myself being tied to something".

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling. I just didn't notice I had held you so tight". She said, easing her grip on me. I tried to shift to quit resting on her but there was so much load so I just tried to make her and myself comfortable the best way I could.

"No worries, grandma. It felt a bit nice, though". I turned to my mom. "So, mom, where are we heading? It's been...", I looked at my watch, "twelve hours now". I looked back up expecting an answer from my mom.

"Oh, darling, we are already here. You slept through the whole journey. We are in Philadelphia. Didn't I tell you before?".

"No, mom". I looked out through my side of the window. After a few minutes, the thick forest we were in the midst of, dissolved to being just an open road in between thick batches of trees, letting the sun spread its warmth on us.

Soon, we passed a bill board that said that we were welcome to Plowdirth.

What. A. Weird. Name.

"Mom, how did you get to find a place to stay in here?, like, it's so far".

"Oh, darling, I just found it in one of those newspapers and I saw the pictures. They looked so beautiful. I should have shown you the pictures to know maybe you approved but I knew I had to act fast. Hope you aren't mad at me, baby?".

"How could I be, mom? You did what was best and fast. I'm sure I would like it here,... with all this nature. I don't ever blame you mom...not one bit". I said as I turned to look out the left side of the car.

"Great! Thank you, dear. I knew you would love it. And there's one other thing, though".

I looked towards her and asked, "What is that?".

"Well, - ".

"Let me tell her, dear". My grandmother interrupted my mother as she rolled her eyes at the rear view mirror. My grandmother ignored her.

She started, "Oh, pumpkin, this little town has all what I'm sure you love. A library. A pool. A -". It was my turn to interrupt.

"I wouldn't love a pool, Grandma". I looked into her eyes as I said this.

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