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Alex p.o.v

I wake with a start and remember what happened last night and my eyes tear up. I hide my face in Sam's chest he stirs "hey crystal r u ok ". i ignore him still not showing my face. he pry's me off of his chest to look at my face. "i hate seeing u like this crystal" i look down. "i could leave then u won't have to look at me" i mumble looking up his eyes widen and he shakes his head franticly. "no i want u here i don't want u going back!". he pulls me in to his arms falling backwards i sit up sitting on him he pulls me back down. holding me to his chest we look in each others eyes for a moment. then he flips us over pinning me down and stars tickling me, I laugh like crazy. "stop stop please" I snort he stops and stares at me. my hart is thumping hard I was pretty sure he could hear it. he just stared at me his electric blue eyes darkening with an emotion that I cant quite place. it wasn't anger or jealousy i wondered what he was thinking about. i pushed him hard and he hit the ground hard. he glared at me playfully. i got up an got my paints and a canvas from my bag. i decide to draw sam.

Sam p.o.v

i watch her paint not moving from the spot she pushed me to. as i watched her my hart rate picked up. it became hot in the room and i had no idea why. all i could think about is how happy she looked painting. she glanced at me every so often. i didn't move. an hour later i was still in the same place. she got up and so did i. she put her stuff away walking towards the bed. she tripped in front of me and took us both down with a thud. i raped my arms around her she laughed. it was a sweet sound i hid my smile with a smirk and flipped us over so  she was under me. i made sure i didn't put to mush pressure on her. i sat with my legs on either side of her. she smirked but i grabbed her wrist gently and felt her pulse. then i bent down and whispered in her ear "do i make u nervous crystal " . i nibbled on her ear her pulse sky rocketed and she groaned from the back of her throat. she smiled and said "i suppose its a little to late do deny it so ya u do". i kissed down her jaw line and down her neck earning louder groan from her. then i pulled back unsure if should continue she looked disappointed. "why in the world did u stop" i look down "maybe later crystal not now". she pouted but nodded and i couldn't help but notice how cute she looked. then i heard a nock on the door "brother can i come in" says jr he sounded on the verge of tears. i got of crystal reluctantly. she looked sad but i tried not to look at her. "ya bud come in" he came in and ran into my arms. "mom and dad are yelling again and kids are making fun of my dyslexia and adhd i tried to tell mom but she ignored me. i felt anger fill me crystal must have noticed and put a hand on my arm then she sat up and
said " hi what's ur name" to jr. then we herd the yelling she ignored it best she could bot i saw her flinch. "Jake jr" he replies and crystal opens her arms her runs to them. "do u know that i have dyslexia and adhd to and i got teased i let it control my life and i let other people control me and tease me. that resulted in me getting anxiety. after that i found out that if i didn't let the people teasing me get to me. i wouldn't have gotten anxiety. so can u do me a favor" he nods. " when people make fun of u for it i want u to look them straight in the eyes and say ya i am dyslexic and i have adhd but that just means I'm unique. then say what makes u different then turn around and walk away smiling. can u do that for me?" he nods. then she says why don't u go play he runs out of the room.

Alex's p.o.v

i stand and walk out. Sam ask what I'm doing but i ignore him. i walk towards the yelling the closer i get the more angry I get. i walk into the living room where his mom and a man were yelling at each other  "crystal" he warns "not a good idea" i ignore him. being the stubborn person i am i walk in between them and yell "enough". this makes them stop yelling Sam gapes at me in shock i was angry. "if u 2 cant figure how to settle your differences calmly don't talk to each other. kids hate when there parents fight and yell. i know from experience i have spent my whole life listing to my mom yell with her husbands. then they would divorce  and she would get a knew husband. i spent my whole childhood crying myself to sleep. getting teased and shit like that cuz my mom couldn't keep her shit together and i don't like having little kids run into the room crying cuz he's getting bullied and cant tell his parents cuz there to busy yelling at each other. how do u think ur kid is going to learn how to deal with conflict? he's going to learn to yell. cuz that's all u do. i got anxiety and other stress related disorders cuz my mom couldn't keep a husband. so can u learn to talk out ur problems instead of yell please." i stare at them and they didn't kick me out like i thought they would.  but instead they looked down guiltily and said "sorry" i was shocked. "u aren't gonna kick me out?" i ask they shook there heads "ur right" his mom says.

"wow when i challenged my moms and her parenting skills she told me she didn't love or want me and hit me across the face with a beer bottle" i said realizing i shouldn't have thought about that. i turned away looking down i felt someone pull on my hand turning me around Sam's mom embraced. me and whispered "thank u and ur welcome here any time" i nodded. that sheered me up a bit. when i look up i see a bunch of guys starring at me in shock. i smirked and said " see something u like" the all laughed Sam muttered something under his breath. then jr ran up and hugged me. Sam introduced me to his siblings. 

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