Chapter 22

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A/N: Hehe! Good day my lovely readers! The moment we've all been waiting for! DEVELOPEMENT! From this point on it'll focus more on Akashi and Setsuna's relationship. Look forward to it please!!!! Arigatou ne~~~~~~!!!!

"That was so fun!" Setsuna said as she stretched her arms. The sun was already setting, and it was about time for the Rakuzan students to start cleaning up their school.

"You're not staying for the bonfire?" Katsumi asked. Setsuna just shook her head.

"I have to go back. Tomorrow is Monday, I still have school," she told her cousin. She then looked around for a particular red head. She spotted Akashi near the school gates, talking to a few other people holding stacks of paper and paper clips. They all had an armband each, indicating they are student council members. Setsuna walked over to Akashi, yet waited patiently for him to finish his conversation.

"I'll leave it to you guys now," Akashi finished. The other students nodded and left. He then turned towards Setsuna and shot her a small smile. "Hey."

"I'm leaving, sorry I can't stay for the bonfire," Setsuna apologized.

"It's fine. Sorry to keep you here so late. Thanks for coming," he replied. "Be safe on your way back."

"I will. Thanks for inviting me. I'll see you some time later," Setsuna extended a hand for a shake. Akashi took her hand, but instead of shaking it, he planted a light kiss on the back of her hand. Setsuna blushed at the contact, completely surprised by Akashi. "A-Aka-"

"The next time we see each other will be at Akihabara's Techno Fest. We will probably be meeting as company rivals though," Akashi said with a gentle smile, cutting her off.

"Y-Yeah," Setsuna nodded. "Good luck with that. I'll see you then." Akashi nodded. She then grabbed her stuff and left the school gates. Setsuna walked down the streets, away from Rakuzan, without turning her head. Little did she notice that Akashi was staring at her back the entire time. He stood there and watched until she disappeared in the depth of the city. Katsumi noticed the small action of the red haired male.


"I'm home!" Setsuna announced as she pushed open her house door.

"Welcome home! Was it fun?" Susume greeted.

"Mom! It was so fun! Oh my god, I need to tell you about how I acted out in the play," Setsuna kicked off her shoes at the entrance and ran to the black haired middle aged lady. The snow haired girl gave her mother tight hug before describing her adventure in Kyoto. Her mother listened intently, laughing at the events Setsuna described.

Later, Kuroko dropped by at the household. Setsuna told him all about her trip to Kyoto, and he listened intently. "Akashi-kun dressed as Captain Levi?" Kuroko gasped.

"YES! I even have a picture!" Setsuna exclaimed as she flipped through her phone. She then held the picture of her, Katsumi, and Akashi in front of Kuroko's face, showing him the cosplay. Kuroko placed both hands on his lips, holding in his fit of laughter. However, as Setsuna started to crack up, Kuroko finally gave in and broke out laughing hysterically.

"What is this?!" Kuroko laughed.

"It's hilarious right?!" Setsuna joined in. "Hahahahahaha! I can''s just so funny!!!" She held her stomach and dropped her phone onto the bed. The two teens soon were rolling on her bed, unable to control their laughter. Setsuna smashed her fist on her bed sheets, spazzing nonstop. Kuroko wiped away the tears formed by the pain in his stomach from his violent fit of laughter.

After the laughter died down, the two teens laid on the bed, panting for air. Setsuna still held a few giggles, but those died down not long afterward. Kuroko flipped his body and laid on his stomach, his aqua eyes stared at Setsuna's giggling body. "Setsuna," he called out. Setsuna turned her body over to face him. "What do you think about Akashi-kun?"

The White Moment (Akashi Seijuro Love Story) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now