16- The Best Friend In Clutch ☆

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Michelle's POV

Do you ever wonder what it felt like to be so thankful that you wake up every day, alive and free?

So much has happened in this one week but in the end, I am still here alive and breathing because a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Thanks to Peter Parker, I am still here.

Wherever I am and in whatever problem I am involved in, he is always there to become the solution.

Its funny how I never really thought that Peter would become so important in my life now, I mean he did tell me that he was a superhero which I understand was very difficult for him to confess but I'm glad he told me.

But the thing is, now that he is this new superhero helping out Mr. Stark, I worry about him a lot more than before. I always get so scared that when there is a problem, he leaves to solve it but I always worry if he will ever come back.

Its bad enough that my dad is the sheriff, and he leaves the house so early in the morning to do his job and barely comes home, but also knowing that Peter is out there being the hero that this city needs, it also worries me.

I just can't risk losing anyone else that I really care about.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on my door and as I turn over to where I thought Peter was still sleeping, he was gone but when I quickly sit up, I see a note on the pillow he slept on and I pick it up and I read it.

'Hey MJ,

Sorry for leaving early, I had to get home before Aunt May murdered me and I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful face anymore. And also, Aunt May asked if you and your father would like to come to dinner at 7:00 pm tonight? Call me when you are able to come with your dad. :)

Your friendly neighborhood spidey boy ;)

P. S. I know that after you read this letter, you're gonna scoff and roll your eyes lol '

I let out a scoff along with an eye roll at his last comment then I hear a knock on my door and I groan before slowly getting out of my bed with my hair probably a mess and pretty much looking like a zombie.

I leave my room and I grab my sweater and place it over my head as I start making my way towards my door.

"Coming! ". I exclaim as I place my sweater over my head and when I open the door, I see Ally leaning against my door frame with that bright smile as her long and wavy redish brown hair falls over her shoulders as it rests on her waist.

"Hey MJ ". She greets and I check my phone to see the time which read 10:30 am. I groan before looking back up at Ally.

"Ally, its 10:30 in the morning, what's up? ". I say softly, and she shakes her head as she enters my house and closes the door behind her.

"Well, after that thing that happened at Times Square, I couldn't stop thinking about how scared I was that you were gonna die, I was just so scared of losing you,". She says with so much sadness and I instantly pull her into a tight hug, she gladly and tightly hugs me back.

"It's okay Allison, I am perfectly fine, ". I say softly as I rub her back and so after pull away, she nodded.

"Yeah thanks to Spider-Man, ". She smirks and I nodded.

"Yeah, thanks to Spider-Man, ". I say.

Little does she know that Spider-Man is the nerdy but adorable loser, Peter Parker.

"Anyways, I knew you were gonna be kinda moody today, so I brought some hot chocolate with some mini marshmallows, your favorite.". She smiles at me as she hands me my hot chocolate. She truly knows me.

I Will Be Your Hero ⇨ Peter Parker × Michelle Jones// #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now