Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Gareth Michael Hunter

This all began when I was only 6 years old. My life would never be the same from that day on out. June 10th, was the day everything changed. I was sitting in the backyard of our house, playing with my brother's hand-me-down toys. It was rare when I got new things, they where always passed down from my two older brothers, Gareth being the eldest, and Cassius the middle child. Then me. While sitting alone, like I always was, I heard foot steps approaching me. I looked up and saw Gareth&Cassius standing in front of me and looking down. Something was different about their facial expressions, more... Cold, for a lack of a better word. "Are you going to play with me?" I asked them in a hopeful tone. It was rare when Gareth took time out of his 'busy' day to acknowledge my presence and do so. Cassius never did. A devilish smirk spread across their face, before Gareth spoke. "Let's play a game," he said."It's called run," Cassius explained. "You run, and you can't let us catch you." "What if you do catch me?" I asked as I got up from laying down on the grass, and brushing myself off. "If we catch you," Gareth responded, leaning in so he was inches away from my face. "We get to do whatever we want to you." I froze. It wasn't the words he professed, it was the tone he said them in. "Ready?" Cassius asked, not really caring if I was. "go," Gareth said, looking down at me as he always did. It took me a few moments to get my legs to actually listen to my brain's demands. 'Hurry!' I yelled to myself, pick up speed while I heard footsteps behind me. I ran inside and locked the sliding door from the inside of the household. Through the glass, they appeared to be visious monsters. Savage wolves. Trying  to retrieve their pray. Then I noticed Cassius motion toward the window that was ope. My eyes widened before turning around and running up the staircase. All I could think about is why was this happening? What did I do that was so wrong?

I looked around frantically for some place to hide. "Magnus? You can't hide forever," I heard a voice call downstairs. He was right, but I will for as long as I can. I looked up to see the trap door to the attic. Even though I hated it up there, I would have to deal with it. Making sure the door closed quietly, I let out a sigh. I was safe. Almost. That was how I felt, at least until they found me an hour later. The bad part was, the attic was sound proof. So the sounds of the heater and air conditioning wouldn't flood through out the emormus house. Because of that, no one heard my cries for mercy. The only ones who heard where the people beating on me, my terrifying brothers. 

From that day on, they found every way possible to over power me. It was all for power and feeling domint over everyone else. That was Gareth. 

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