Chapter 3

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I told myself no. I couldn't have feelings for Leah. She was Cassius'. But to be honest? I didn't care. We only had one intimate moment with each other. 


It was a Friday night, and Leah came to the house to find Cassius. But he had gone out with Gareth to get a couple drinks, so they could trash talk everyone in their life. "Is Cass home?" she asked in a hopeful tone. I shook my head, "He went out with Gareth an hour ago." "Oh.." she said with a frown. "Do you know when he'll get back?"

 "Usually they come back hammered by 4AM."

 She groaned, "Alright then.. Thanks." 

 "No problem," I nodded watching her turn to walk away. "Wait, Leah. Can I talk to you for a minute..?" She turned on her heels and back to me. "Sure, what about?" she asked.

 "It's.. Complicated, come inside." I offered and stepped aside. 'You're insane, Magnus.' I scolded at myself, knowing I shouldn't do this. But it needed to be said. Once she stepped inside, I closed the door behind her and turned to her."What is it, Mag?" she inquired, seeing a worried expression all over my face. "Leah... I know I shouldn't be saying this.. To you, but I've been thinking a lot lately and," I paused. A part of my brain was telling me to keep my mouth shut, but another was overpowering that thought with, 'Do it!' 

 "I have feelings for you," I sputtered out, regretting it moments later. She looked shocked, like she had no idea how to respond. I sighed, "I should've never opened my mouth.."

"No," she finally spoke. "I would've rather known."

She took a few steps over to me and leaned up to kiss me on the cheek. When her lips were inches away, I turned my head quickly so our lips connected. I assmed she would slap me moments after for doing so, but she simply pulled away and starred into my eyes. I looked back into hers and saw that she actually liked it. I took little time to kiss her once again. To my surprise, she kissed back.


We did go all the way that night, but no one ever found out. But it turned out a few days later, she was pregnant. I was terriffied that it was mine. It was senceible, but when I discussed it with her she said she was positive it was Cassius'. I believed her of course, because I figured she had no reason to lie to me. Once she had to child, it was hard to tell if she was in fact lying. The baby girl had all of Leah's traits.

But in one point in time, she just disappeared without a trace. Cassius then broke the horrid news to everyone that she had died, but he wouldn't say how or why. I automatically assumed that he had done the deed in killing the woman. It broke my heart, to be honest. Not just because I wouldn't be able to speak to her ever again, but the fact that this little girl would have to endure Cassius as a father without a mother. Faith, was her name.


A few years later, Gareth soon had a love interest as well. Adelaide Grace Rivera. She was beaitful. Her apperance and personality was flawless. I despised Gareth for find her first. I figured it was just a small crush, something I could get over in a few days and then those feelings would disappear. But they didn't. I dreamt about her, thought about her all the time. I wanted her to be mine, not his. This wasn't just a small crush, as I thought before. I was in love. We talked whenever she was around and were in fact good friends. I would hit on her from time to time, but it wouldn't get me anywhere. A tap on the cheek and a small laugh, or even a peck on the cheek if I was lucky. I knew she knew that I liked her, I sucked at hiding it when it was just us. But surprisingly, she never really said anything about it. She never brought up that I made it too obvious, which I did. I didn't understand what it was. Adelaide was... Different, from any other woman I met. She was breath takingly beautiful. But of course, I always fall for the ones I can't have. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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