Story of my life :)

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My name is Meganne Izora Hoopes, and this is the real me.

I love watching scary movies, but I flip out when toast pops out of the toaster.

My very best friends are Ceara Woldt and Alexa Stout

My best guyfriends would be Nick Biggs and Donny Gleed.

I am totally in love with Armando Montiel...110%

I am indeed a positive pessimistic. It’s just how I live.

Playing in band is my life; I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

If it was up to me, I would stay locked up in my room all day, daydreaming.

I always wish I could write down my dreams before I forget them, but it never works seeing as how I have the world’s worst memory.

The best teachers I’ve ever had were Mr. Reese, Mr. Moore, Mr. Isaacson, and Ms. Zimmer. In that order.

In science for 7th grade, I was the only one willing to dissect the frog, worm, and starfish.

I love playing in mud. I just love how it is squishy under my feet.

Violence is my middle name. Tell me to think of something violent, and you’ll be scarred forever.

My bipolar personality makes it hard to keep friends, because they think I’ll never change, but I do it everyday.

My favorite candy is Butterfinger.

My favorite artists are Colette Carr, Kutless, and Enrique Iglesias.

My favorite sad song is She cries out by Kutless.

My favorite happy song is We do it Primo by Colette Carr.

I plan on attending BYU, or UW when I’m older, and becoming a music teacher, or a daycare provider.

I live in the town that has the largest elk horn arch in the world.

Singing is one of the things I love to do.

My least favorite artists are Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black, and Miley Cyrus.

Another really good song that I love is Hurricane by Rains.

There’s nothing I hate more than being called a freak.

I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers.

The back of my neck is more sensitive than any other part of me. Don't touch it, or I will whoop your sorry butt Chuck Norris style.

I am so sensitive over all, I hate it when people use angry sub-text. It makes me want to cry.

I am so easily hurt when it comes to what people say and do to me. If you didn't notice, I'm a pisces.

This is the real me. What everyone else says doesn’t matter because I wouldn’t change anything about myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2012 ⏰

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