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3 Months Later

"Ugh! Baaaaaaaaabe!" I groaned out, not getting out of my bed. I was five months into my pregnancy, and started to get weird cravings. My stomach was getting bigger everyday.

"What?" I heard him call from downstairs. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Baaaaaaaaaabe!" I said again, sounding desperate. I heard footsteps coming upstairs. Derek opened the door and peeked in.

"What is it Stiles?" he asked softly and sat on the bed, gently rubbing my tummy. "Are you hungry? I'll go get you some food if-"

"Can you go get me some pickles and...oreos? Please." I pleaded, using my best puppy dog eyes. He smiled softly and pecked me on the lips.

"Yeah babe. I'll be right back." He hummed and walk out of my room.

"Thanks." I called after him.

I waited and waited for Derek to come back, and I got tired of waiting. I checked the time.

3:18 p.m.

Ugh! It's only been five minutes! I thought to myself. I got up and wobbled downstairs to go check the fridge. I brought out a pack of ground beef and smelled it. I swear to God it made mouth water.

I ripped open the package, grabbed a handful of the raw meat, and shoved it into my mouth.

"Oh my god!" I moaned and shoved more in my mouth.

I was almost done with the package when I heard the door open. I checked the time.


I froze when Derek stepped into the kitchen. He stared at me wide eyed and walked over to me. He basically ripped the package out of my hands. Rude.

"Stiles! What are you doing?! Why are you eating this?" He yelped in surprise. I tried reaching for it again, but he put it out of reach.

"Derek!" I yelled and tried reaching for it. My eyes were wide and frantic. I started to paw at him, begging. "Derek, please." I said, but he shook his head.

"Listen to me. Stiles." he said softly and put my head in his hands. I started to breathe faster, more frantic. I started to shake my head and pull out of his grip.

"No!" I screamed at him and jogged out of the house. He ran after me.

"Stiles! Stop!" He yelled as I got in my car. "Stiles! Please just talk to me."

"I-I need..." I said, panting.

"Need what, baby?" He mumbled through the window.

"Meat." I said, searching my car for my keys.

"What?" He asked, looking worried.

"Meat! Need meat!" I said and banged on the window. I glared and started to growl at him through the window.

He ran in the house and came out with my car keys. I growled louder once he got in the car.

"I'm taking you to Deatons." he said and grabbed my phone from my hoodie pocket. He typed in a number quickly and pushed send. He held the phone close to his ear.

"Hello?" I heard my Dads voice come out the phone. Derek started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"Hey, I'm taking Stiles to Deaton." He said quickly.

"Why? What's wrong?!" Dad asked. He sounded worried, and that made me mad. I started to claw at Derek, trying to reach the phone.

"I don't know. He was having a craving, so I went to the store to go get some food, and when I came back I found him in the kitchen eating the meat you bought for the burgers." He said to my dad, talking into the phone, pulling it out of my reach.

"What? I told him not to make anything with that meat! I was going to make burgers wi-" Dad screeched into the phone. I tried reaching for it again.

"He didn't make anything with it. When I found him, he was eating it raw." He said, driving onto the street, headed for the animal hospital.

"What?!" I heard my dad scream into the phone.

"Yeah, and now he's growling at me and clawing at me and demanding me to get him meat. He's acting feral." Derek yelped, pulling into a parking lot.

"..." There was scilence on the other line. A few mumbled words and whispers were all I heard.

"Dean?" Derek said softly, confused.

"We'll meet you at Deaton's." I heard Pop say, hanging up. Derek closed the phone with an audible click.

He undid my seatbelt.

Wait, when did he put that on me? Nevermind.

He undid his seatbelt and got out of the car. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. I pounced on him, roared in his face and started to claw at his chest.

"Need! Meat!" I bellowed at him. He squirmed and somehow got out from under me. He grabbed my wrists, so I started thrashing. He started to lead me to the back door of the clinic.

I heard a loud banging noise, I covered my ears and whined. Like, woah! Since when could I do that?

There was a flutter of wings behind. I froze in place and started to growl. I glanced behind me and saw my parents freeze in place, so I growled louder. It wasn't a human growl, it was animal, feral.

The door opened and Derek rushed me inside. My parents wee following close behind us.

Deaton opened the door and ushered us inside.

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, I came home from the store and I found him eating the meat that was in the fridge...raw."

"It's because of the pup. Since it's a full supernatural being, it requires other nutrients than a normal human."

"What do you mean a full supernatural being." I asked, sweating profusely and panting slightly. Derek and Dad looked as confused as me. Deaton sighed and beginned to explain.

"Castiel is an angel of The Lord, and Dean was made completely of faith. Dean's father played no part in his conception. That makes Stiles a born angel, but since Dean is technically human, he will live as long as one. Now you on the other hand...your ancestry is half hellhound, and half werewolf. That makes this child a form of Nephilim that we call a Rephaim or "the dead ones". With that being said, this child, or pup, requires more of the nutrients that are found in meat, only in the womb because that's how it will grow. Now, while you're here, I can tell you the sex of the child, if you wish?"

"How can we calm him down." My dad asked, worried.

"Meat." Deaton said simply, and I growled at him.

"...Can we see the sex of the baby? I don't think we even have an all..." Derek said, pushing me down and keeping me from clawing Deaton. Deaton smiled and nodded.

"Of course." He said and went to go get that gel stuff to put on my stomach. I shivered once it touched my skin and growled a little louder, but didn't try to kill I guess that's good.

He started speeding the gel around my stomach with that remote ball thingy connevted to a screen. I looked over at it, not seeing anything-

Thump thump thump thump thump.

"Oh my God! Der that's-that's our baby! Our baby!" I squealed and started to cry. I looked over at Derek, and he was beaming at the screen. I turned to my Dad and my Pops and smiled at them. Dad looked overjoyed, and Pops was crying and laughing at the screen.

"The heartbeat sounds too fast...Oh!" Deaton mumbled to himself and swiveled the remote.

"What is it?" Derek demanded impatiently. I rolled my eyes and looked at Deaton, who was beaming as well.

"Congratulations! Stiles, you're having a boy! But he's small and he needs more meat. That might be why he's so restless."

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