Finally Home

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Luca and Arian had finally fallen asleep. They only had one crib, so they had to put the both of them in it. Stiles' nipples were extremely sore from all of the breast feeding. He had read somewhere that it was healthier for you and the baby if they were breastfed until they were 2-3 years old, but man if they only told him it would hurt.

Stiles refused to let down his little warrior, and Derek growled at anyone who went near him while he was carrying Luca, but Cas and Sam had managed to calm them down enough to put the babies in the crib. Stiles refused to leave the room, still sore and tired from giving birth. His angel mojo, and Derek's healing made him feel a hundred times better, but he still felt like he needed to take a nap.

"Der...m'shleepe." Stiles mumbled into Derek's arm. After they had put their son's to sleep, they had gotten back in the bed, Derek's arms gripping Stiles firmly, in a protective stance while Stiles wrapped his wings around the both of them.

Derek's grip tightened on his mate.

"You're not going to lose me, Der...I'm right here...I'm fine." Stiles whispered, stroking Derek's face softly. Derek reached up and grabbed him by the wrist, kissing his palm, and each of his fingers gently before speaking.

"I know...I was so were gone Stiles." Derek whispered, a tear escaping his eyes as he cupped Stiles' cheek.

"Well...right now, I'm just going to sleep...I'm exhausted. You can sta' up, and lis'n to m' hear'beat if you w'nt...but I'm...gonma..." Stiles murmured, the continuous rumbling that Derek had been making ever since Luca and Ari were born, lulling him to sleep. Derek panicked for a split second, before regaining his senses, listening to the strong drums of Stiles' heart.

He stayed like that for three hours, watching the rise and fall of Stiles' chest.

The door creaked open, making Stiles' wings twitch. Isaac had opened the door, coming up to check on the couple. Derek smiled, motioning Isaac closer with his hand.

"What is it?" Derek whispered, trying not to jostle Stiles too much.

"Poppa said Gabe is on his way...God has released him of his heavenly duties." Isaac said, gently lowering himself into the edge if the bed. He looked at Stiles and whimpered slightly. He could feel the slight pain radiating off of his alphas mate, and it wasn't pleasant, but it was slowly fading.

"The Titans?" Derek asked, worried about the archangel.

"Some are still loose, but they're weaker now. The other archangels don't need Gabe's help anymore." Isaac said, smiling. He was glad that the trickster was coming back, he was a part of the pack, and they had been separated for a day too long.

"He's been gone a day." Derek said plainly, giving Isaac the 'are you serious' look.

"A day is a lot shorter in heaven, Derek. It's probably been weeks already, or months for him." Isaac said, making himself worry even more.

"...I don't want to wake Stiles up...he just fell asleep..." Derek sai finally. He wanted to greet home the archangel, but his mate was sleeping deeply in his arms. Isaac shook his head at the alpha.

"You should get some rest too, Derek. You look terrible." He said jokingly. Derek whimpered, tightening his grip on Stiles once more.

"I don't want him to leave me again..." Derek said softly, Isaac barely heard it, even with his advanced hearing.

"You're not the only wolf here. We can look out for the both of you." Isaac said, getting up to check the twins. Derek growled when he got too close.

"I think...thanks." He said finally, grabbing Stiles firmy, moving his head so their foreheads were touching.

"What do we do if Luca or Arian wakes up-" Isaac started to say, but a warning growl cut him off. He backed up, and left the room muttering, "Okay, okay."

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