And then there were none part 2

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We entered the hotel. I rung the bell and no one came. I ringed it again. No one came. I frowned and hopped over the desk. It was kinda dusty. "Okay, it looks like all the rooms are open" I said. "Are you sure we should stay here" asked Fishlegs scared. "Fishlegs is right, this place is like a ghost town. We should probably call it off" said Astrid. "Ya I would if, I uh had gas in the car" I said. "OH THAT'S JUST PERFECT, HICCUP LET THE CAR RUN OUT OF GAS AND NOW WE ARE STUCK HERE" Snotlout yelled. I signed in anger. "Okay, if we are gonna stay here then can you please give us the keys Hiccup" asked Astrid. I got three room keys. I hopped back over the desk again. "So, who stays where" asked Tuffnut. "How about this, the twins are together, Fishlegs and Snotlout get a room, and I will stay with Hiccup" said Astrid. We all agreed. Snotlout only agreed cause he knew it's either Fishlegs or one of the twins as a roommate. We made it to our rooms and settled in. "Hiccup" said Astrid.

"Ya" I asked. "I was just thinking, are you sure it's safe here" asked Astrid. I was surprised cause I have never seen her this scared before. I hugged Astrid. "We'll be fine Astrid. Don't worry" I said. "TUFF" Ruffnut yelled. We all ran to the twins room. "What happened" asked Fishlegs. "TUFFNUT WAS JUST HERE AND NOW HE'S GONE" Ruffnut yelled. "Where would he go" asked Astrid. "I'm sure he is still here some where. Did you try calling him" I asked. "He left his cell phone" said Ruffnut holding up Tuff's cell phone. "Okay, let's look for but every one stay together" I said. 


We started looking for Tuffnut. I am glad we are staying together. We looked in a room. We also yelled out to him but there was no answer. We later split up into groups of two. I was with Ruffnut and Hiccup. I entered a room. The door slammed closed. I screamed and started banging on the door. "GUYS, LET ME OUT" I asked.


"Anything" I asked. "No, it's just the two of us here" said Snotlout. I signed. "Come on, we have to meet the gang in the lobby" I said. Snotlout and I went to the lobby. The rest of the gang except Tuffnut and Fishlegs were there. "Where did Fishlegs go" I asked. "He must of gotten lost" said Hiccup. "OH THAT'S JUST GREAT, FIRST TUFFNUT AND THEN FISHLEGS. WHO IS NEXT" Snotlout yelled. "Calm down, we will find them. Where could they have gone anyway" I asked. "Uh, can we find them tomorrow, I'm tired" said Ruffnut. "Okay, we will go to bed for tonight and then start looking tomorrow" said Hiccup. We all went to our rooms. I honestly am glad I'm with Hiccup. We made it to our room. I changed in the bathroom and Hiccup changed in the room. I finished. The lights went out. I yelped. Normally I'm not this scared but with what we have been threw today can you blame me? The lights came back on. I opened the door and left the bathroom. Hiccup was gone. "HICCUP" I yelled. His shirt was on the floor. I stuck my head out the door and looked down the hall. No one was here. I signed and crawled into bed. I hoped Hiccup was alive and okay. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep and heard the floor creak. 

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