Just another day

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-Dean's p.o.v-

I look at the clock waiting for the school bell to ring as I impatiently tap my foot against the smooth tiled floor of the classroom-

"Mr Leyowa!"

I look over to my teacher immediately as she calls my name.

"Y-yes ma'am?" I say tapping my foot on the floor more vigorously.

She points towards my feet and I look down slightly confused.

"Could you please stop that."

I frown slightly as I focus on my foot tapping and slow it down.

She looks at me with disapproval but continues with her marking nonetheless and I go back to looking at the clock waiting for the bell to ring.


Everyone immediately stands up from there seats but still stands in place and waits patiently for the teacher.

"Class is dismissed, I will see you all next Monday morning."

We all walk out of the classroom and storm the hallway to get to our bags as we are finally free for the weekend. I then see my friends, Joél and Kristin.

"Heya guys!" I yell as I wave to them.

"Oh hey El."

Answers back a tired looking Joél.

"Math huh?" I say smirking slightly.

He looks at me and just grunts back a reply, I then look over to Kristin to see her staring off into space.

"Sup Kris." She snaps out of her daze and looks at me.

"What's down my man?"

"Our grades." I reply back and she looks at me as if she's just been shot.

"Damn El...that was too much."

She says holding her hand up to her heart and smiles.

I shake my head and place my binders in my bag and pick it up off the floor.

"Well I got to go home...so bye." I walk off to the parking lot where I bump into someone and I quickly apologise to them as I look up and see an attractive guy that I don't know, but he brushes me off and walks on so I shake my head and look forwards to see my dad's emerald grey Jeep and I run over to it and get inside to see my...

"Mom?...what are you doing back so early?" I question her with the most confused look on my face.

She looks over to me and smiles.

"Spending 2 months in Europe really makes you miss your family... you know."

I smile back at her as she starts up the engine and she drives us home.

She pulls up into the garage and I get out of the car and walk into the house passing by the living room...where I bump into the couch and the table.

"Eina! Fu-!" I yell as I hold on to my throbbing knee.

I hear my mom laugh in the distance and I look back at her to send a glare.

"Go change into normal clothes Dean."

She points at me as a warning and I look down to see that I am still wearing my school uniform...bummer, so I limp off to my room to change into casual clothes.

After changing I gracefully *lies* waltz into the kitchen with a pair of basketball shorts and some socks on and I see my oh so dear sister making a sandwich.

"Al..." she looks at me with a blank expression.

"What do you want you buffoon?"

I bat my eyelashes and put on my best puppy dog eye face*

"Pwease make me a sandwich...pwease."

She looks at me and shakes her head laughing to herself.

"Then you must clean the dishes."

I look at her and nod my head.

"No problem." I say as I salute to her and walk off upstairs into the tv room where I find my dog.

"Oh hey Cat." I say waving at him and then I look at my hand wondering why I'm waving at a dog.

He opens his eyes to look up at me but closes them again, I then just walk up to him and said next to him on the floor.

He opens his eyes again as I pet his head and he leans into my touch.

"Haha...I would ask how your day was but...then I remember...you can't speak." I say as he looks at me closely with his light blue and brown eyes.

I laugh lightly and start to stand walking down the stairs to my room thinking about that boy from school...

"Oh hi there...my name is Elijah Dean Leyowa, and I'm just a very normal looking guy with light brown eyes and deep black hair...I have freckles all over my face and body and I'm mixed race, with my dad being white and my mom being black (surprise surprise I got my freckles from her). My hair is a very special little thing, it's curly as hell but soft and thick...I don't cut it a lot, that's too much work.

I attend St. Gabriels high school for boys and girls...it's a private school which has both borders and day students. (Borders are people that live at the school, Day students are people that go home after school has ended for the day)

I'm in my Matric/Senior year meaning I'm leaving that place in a couple of months from now.

I have two siblings an older sister and a younger brother. My older sister's name is Alrina (pronounced: El-ry-na) she is currently in university but she stays with us back at home, then there is my younger brother Tylo (pronounced: Tie-low). He is currently in the 10th grade and is part of the school football team.

I've got three friends two of which being Joél and Kristin and the other is Nomsa (she comes from South Africa, pronouned: Nom-za).

And that is all the info I have about myself right now so thanks for listening to me rant about my life."

(950 words)

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I've honestly given up on my first book so I have decided to write this one, the chapters will get longer over time and I will try to update every Thursday if not on Friday.

Thanks for reading.


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