Chapter Five - The Meeting

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He was tall and slim, had crazy dark hair and incredibly deep blue eyes. I shook his hand, not sure what to say.

-I'm Anouk... Annie, for my friends. 

-Annie it is, then. Guess I can call a friend somebody who sings my songs better than I do!

I internally yelled "My songs?" Bloody hell! It was them. Bastille. The band we were making covers of. How could I not have recognised the lead singer?

-I certainly do not sing your songs better than you do, but thank you very much for the compliment. - I said, feeling dizzy. Was this really happening?

Jimmy intervened then:

-What are you even doing here? - He yelled.

-Ah, well, we heard there was a tribute for us here, - said another one of the guys, one with a funny moustache. - Woody here got a flyer about it this afternoon, so we decided to crash it.

-That's mental! - Dennis observed.

-People other than us playing our music IS mental. - Woody replied.

The owner gave us a room backstage so we could have some privacy, because word had spread that the band were in this particular bar and fans were starting to overflow the place.

Kyle -the one with the funny moustache- told us they would advise the label to sign us, just because we were so good at covering them.

-I'm not the real singer. - I confessed to Dan, who was sitting next to me. - I just did today because the original voice... y-your voice was more manageable for me than for the actual singer...

-That's in fact good news for me. You not being IN the band. - He said in a confidential tone. I frowned because I had no idea what he meant. He smiled and kept speaking. - This may sound abrupt, but your voice is kind of what I need for the background vocals in the new album... would you be interested in auditioning to be part of it?

I opened my eyes and my mouth at the same time. What kind of lucky strike had I just gone into?

-Mon Dieu! Yes, of course! When, where? - I asked when I could actually speak again.

Geoff, who was speaking to Will, turned to see me, I must have really screamed. Dan laughed, taking his phone out of his pocket.

-Put your number on here, and I'll let you know. 

I took the telephone and wrote my number with shaky hands. Had I just got a job with a new, growing act? When I gave it back to him, he smiled and whispered:

-Tell your boyfriend I have no bad intentions. - And nodded towards Geoff, who was staring at us with a weird look.

I turned to look at him and shrugged.

-Uh, not my boyfriend... - I started.

-Then I can have bad intentions? - He asked and stood up, not awaiting for the reply. He walked right past me to grab another beer. He smellt so good.

-Uh... yup, you definitely can. - I said to myself.

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