Entry #2

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(There is a sensitive topic mentioned in this entry.)

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you are stupid." ~John Wayne

Dear Diary,

Yup my life is pretty tough, and I feel pretty stupid right now. I don't believe that there are truly stupid people, just people who do something stupid, or something stupid happens to them. This happened to me today. I made it to school today. Great. I sat by myself at lunch, and didn't have enough money to get more than a protein bar. I usually sit alone. I used to have friends, before we moved. I had a few when we moved too, but when I began to skip school often, our relationships tore apart. So now I just sit alone. 

I wish people would leave me alone. But no. The biggest a-hole has to come up to me as I sit alone, having a pretty shi*ty day. I won't say his name, because it's not worth the ink. "Loser" he starts. I ignore him. "DID YOU HEAR ME?" he says loud and slowly. I take a bite of my protein bar, looking down. "Are you deaf? Or just STUPID?" I keep my eyes down. "Look at me you stupid anorexic." he says. That breaks me. He gets a punch in the face, oh and a punch in the stomach, and a kick in the balls. "My best friend a few years was anorexic, and now she's dead, so shut up. Some people can't afford to eat 50 bags of junk food each meal" I say storming off. That landed me in the principals office. Not the first time. Actually it's the twenty third time this trimester. 

So yea I got home and cried for hours. Then I watched some YouTube, cried some more, and now I can't sleep. Again. It's 3:30am and I have to work early tomorrow before school. Great. 

I still don't know.

Sincerely~ Me

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