The Final Battle

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Wiccan pov

      We were on the plane going towards the position of the staff. A man was reading a pray from his miniature Bible. The ride there otherwise was pretty quiet, then we realized there was someone else on board.

Well first we were shot at by some turret guns and were about to crash. And at that moment Izabella decided to show herself. When we crash landed we had to find cover.

There was no way we could get around it, so we came up with a way to destroy it. Izabella thought that here tiny robot would be able to get close enough to the gun. We couldn't think of a better plan so we went with it. The robot drove through the chaos and was able to destroy the gun, and now the real fight could begin. 

Kid Arachnid/Miles pov 

After the gun blew up we took our chance and went to fight. Eagle had put us into two teams to fight together. I was with Wiccan and Angela, and we were knocking down robots left and right.

There was like an endless supply of robots which really didn't bother us, but the government had this great idea to blast the platform next to us and destroy the platform we were on. So, the government soldiers started evacuating so they wouldn't get caught in the rubble. Everyone except the auto bots and our team were leaving, even Cade and Vivian. I asked Eagle," Are we leaving too?"

She replies," No, we came to get a job done and that's what we're gonna do."

"But, Vivian and Cade left too. Don't we need her to get the scepter?"

"What are you talking about Cade and Vivian are making a beeline towards the staff."

"Wait what?"

I turned and sure enough they were heading for the staff, I tell Angela and Wiccan," Well if they're going for it, we gonna clear the way."

They nod and we race to protect them. 

Sharpshot/Kate pov

The team and autobots all converged on Cade and Vivian's position to protect them. We were destroying robots as they were trying to reach them. The autobots though went somewhere else which left us to get them to the staff.

As soon as we got there we were met with the creator lady. We all planned to distract her while Vivian got the staff. And we'll the plan really didn't work that well, you see we were getting beat very badly. But, thankfully Optimus came and saved us by getting involved. (Yay I don't have to get a new team! Kate- Wait wha..? Me- Nothing!!! Hehe!😳)

While we continued to distract her I guess the government carried out there plan cause the platform near us was coming closer. As soon as it hit our platform started to tilt, I heard Cade tell Vivian to hold onto the staff. We all had to grab onto something to keep ourselves from falling, well except Wiccan since he can fly.

Vivian then took the opportunity to pull out the staff, and as soon as she did that everything started falling apart. It felt like we were suspended in the air for a long time, then the autobots started moving towards us to catch us.

Cade pov

Everything was in slow motion for awhile til the autobots caught us. Bumblebee grabbed Vivian and I, Hotrod grabbed Kate and Sharon, and lastly Drift grabbed Angela and Miles.

We landed with a few scraps, but other than that we were fine. But, the floating thing started crashing to the ground, so we had to run to get away. And by run, I mean, we eventually got the autobots to transform so we rode to safety. And finally it was over, we saved the world.

Now, I wonder if the government will give me a break. Later, though, it turns out the Young Avengers were headed to reunite with the other wanted avengers. We waited til a jet came, and out stepped two of the Avengers. It was Captain America and Hawkeye.

Kate and Sharon went to hug their father figures and we shook hands with Captain. He thanked the autobots and us for taking care of them. We said our goodbyes and we hugged, Kate asked me to tell Tessa she said goodbye.

Than, someone else stepped out in a cat suit. He said it was time for them to go, so the team waved a final goodbye and they stepped onto the jet. They flew off and I brought out of my pocket a communication device Sharon gave, so we could keep in touch, but I do hope we meet them again.


      Finally done, to all the haters (there are none) who said it couldn't be done I did it. I finished my fanfiction. But, anyway I'll make a sequel as soon as the next Avengers or Transformers movie comes out whichever comes first. This was tiring, but anyway thanks for reading and my next fanfic may take sometime to make, I have to decide the plot and well what characters I use. It will however either be about Young Justice or maybe a Sonic fanfic. Who knows🤷‍. See you next time, peace out. -Drops a random mic-

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