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03 | How Rude

"Eunha, time to eat"

"Okay", she turns around to see Junhui hanging around the door way, leaning against it with his arms crossed. "Bye Josh, I'll talk to you later", she hangs up, shoving her phone in her pocket and leaving with him.

"May I ask who this Josh is? It doesn't sound like a Korean name", he asks, walking down the hallway with her.

"Oh, I studied in the US for college, he was someone that I befriended", she responds. "And judging by your eyes and your accent, you aren't Korean Junhui-ssi"

Junhui laughs as they walk down the stairs, his smile beautiful. "Please just call me 'Jun'. And you are one great observer Miss Lim, no wonder Mrs.Jeon chose you. You are correct, I am not Korean- I am Chinese"

"Well, I actually didn't meet Mrs.Jeon, I just called her and said that I'll take it. Personally, I had no intentions of getting married in the first place"

"Then why did you take it?"

Eunha stops at the bottom of the stairs, smiling bitterly. Jun turns around, looking at her questioningly.

"It's for nothing really, I just...had to, I guess. It's best if you don't ask, I don't think I'm ready yet"

Jun nods, smiling at her softly. He signals her over, telling her where the dining room is.

"Thank you, Jun", Eunha smiles, her eyes making eyes like little crescents.
"Of course, Miss Lim. And Wonwoo will be home shortly, so don't worry", he walks into the kitchen.

"And that's what I'm worried about"


Wonwoo enters the house, taking off his shoes and hanging his jacket.

"I'm home", he calls, walking into the house. Once he's in there, he faces an interesting scene-- all of the staff eating with Eunha, laughing and smiling. He grimaces at the sight of her, walking slowly to the table.

"And one Halloween back when I was in the US, I dressed up as a vampire and my other friend Seokmin or 'DK' dressed up as Harry Potter while Joshua, can you believe this fool, dressed up as a freaking priest?! It was insane, and you know what was the weirdest part? Girls still flirted with him even though he was dressed up as a freaking priest!! I swear, that boy should live in a church or something"

"Daebak, really?", Seungcheol asked, wide eyed.

"Yea, Seungcheol, he really did. Oh! And I have this other story about when DK-"

"Does it look like I care?", Wonwoo glares at her, scowling. "I'm going up"

"Wonwoo-ah! Don't be like that! Please, come eat! Jun and I prepared a lovely dinner for the both of you to enjoy", Jeonghan insists, waving his hand over to the table.

"But then I have to sit next to her", he sneers, growling.

"Why are you acting as if she has some sort of disease? She's perfectly fine!", Seungkwang snaps, annoyed at his hyung's attitude towards her.

"And why are you taking her side?", Wonwoo scoffs.

"Why are you being a jerk?", Soonyoung crosses his arms.

"And why aren't you listening to your boss? Do you want to get fired-"

"Wonwoo, stop. You shouldn't be acting like this to your friends, not workers but friends. If you hate the idea of having an arranged marriage, then fine I understand that but you shouldn't take your anger out on her", Jihoon lectures him, his voice stern and his gaze serious. "Now be a decent human being and eat the food that Jeonghan hyung and Jun had prepared for you"

He glares at Eunha before taking his seat which was the one next her because that was the only one open. She clenches one of her fists, biting her lower lip as she takes a piece of meat.

"Where were you today? Work?", she starts, looking at him at him from the corner of her eye.

"None of your business", he mumbles, grabbing a piece of kimchi and eating it.

She pauses, inhaling deeply as she eats a spoonful of rice. "Would you like to do anything tomorrow? Like, we can go to the park or get lunch or even-"

"Just shut up and eat, I hate your voice", he snarls, shooting her a cold look. Eunha clenches her chopsticks in between her hands, enough to have the metal leave a red mark and imprint on the palm of her hand. The other boys sense the tension rising, the silence cutting through the each of them as if a sword struck through their bodies.

"So, you're going to have an interview for a job Thursday and Friday, Eunha. Am I correct?", Soonyoung speaks up, most of the eyes going to him.

"Yes, Soonyoung-ssi, you are", she responds, looking up at him and mouthing a 'thanks'.

"So you're unemployed--"
"Wonwoo", Jihoon says, glaring at him.

"What will your job be?", Seungcheol questions.

"A reporter. I'm going to try out for MWG or EJS, but I really want to get into EJS", she pops a tteokbokki into her mouth, chewing on it happily.

"Really? Not YMC?", Jun takes a sip of his sparkling water, raising a brows. Eunha cocks her head to the side, grabbing her glass of water and taking a long sip of it before putting it down.
"I don't like YMC, their news can't be trusted", she states, a hint of bitterness in the back of her throat but good enough for the rest not to notice it. The rest of the guys look at her confused, but continue to eat anyways. But Wonwoo clenches his fists, glaring at her.

"I bet no company wants you-- you're a pathetic girl. I don't get why my mom even chose you, you're not even that pretty", he clicks his tongue at her. "You know what? I wish I treasured the times when I didn't spend it with you"

"I understand why you hate this situation, but I don't get why you hate me. What did I do that was so bad?!", Eunha slams her chopsticks down, raising her voice at the boy sitting next to her. "You know what, I'll just head up stairs", she gets out of her chair, walking up the stairs and slamming her door shut. The boys sit there, there faces shocked as they look at the boy at the end of the table.

"Why did you do that to Eunha?", Minghao looks at Wonwoo, his voice becoming louder. "She did nothing wrong yet you are so cruel to her! Can't you see that she wants to get along with her?"

"Well clearly I don't. I hate her and I don't care how nice she's going to be because to me, she'll always be a mistake"

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